Fedora Core RPM Repos: Dependency Resolution Solution

below is an excerpt from a widely referenced, highly regarded website, stanton-finley.net which explains that the RPMforge collection should not be used at the same time as the Livna RPM’s are being accessed. As a new Linux user who’s had a pretty smooth go of it so far, i highly recommend that you research this topic, and the others available at Stanton-Finley.net.

If after reading the info at S-F from the links below, you decide that you’d like a friendly place to discuss Linux / Fedora issues in general, i haven’t had a better experience with a nicer group of participants that the helpful lot at at Fedora Forum dot Org.

so often i reference this very passage regarding the RPM repos which are claimed to be incompatible, that i decided to go ahead and put the info here for my quick reference.

As you continue please keep the following in mind: You should not use the livna.org repository in conjunction with the dag/freshrpms/dries/newrpms (RPMforge) collection of rpms in your configuration files for automatic updates. Use one group or the other but not both. These two groups are mutually incompatible and can cause errors in your installation if used together for automatic updates. Regardless of which group you choose you should also avoid using the ATrpms repository in your yum or apt configuration files for these reasons. Some additional information can be found here.

Fedora Core 5 Linux Installation Notes
by Stanton Finley, revised July 10th, 2006

Whatchu do

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