CSS Crib Sheet – Accessibility Mnemonics
Remember the CSS Prayer that your mother taught you as a child? All of your CSS Stylesheet rules of thumb are here, complete with mnemonics!
Remember the CSS Prayer that your mother taught you as a child? All of your CSS Stylesheet rules of thumb are here, complete with mnemonics!
I discovered this tool today. I’ll have to take a better look at it and revise, but this seems to me like the sort of exercises I tend to learn the most from. Considering the marketing, I suspect it’s AI but I didn’t verify that. Microsoft Math Solver is mart of the Microsoft Suite of…
sysVinit I presume. I’m sorry about the brain damage where there’s just chunks missing for some reason. I’ll get it. But this is important to know, I do recall that much!😀 It may even sound crazy to Linux users who were not introduced to a Linux Desktop Environment prior to the release of Ubuntu (a…
Chmod who? Bash in what? What these numbers mean, yo?
Get your Atlassian in there before this Jira goes upside your BitBucket, boy! I dunno. There’s some good readin’ here, pa’a!Set up personal SSH keys on Windows | Bitbucket Cloud | Atlassian Support
Learn how to precisely customize the timeline starting point for Spotify shared links. Have you ever shared a Spotify link and noticed those seemingly random numbers at the end of the URL? The number represents the number of milliseconds passed from the beginning of the track until the point at which you clicked the “Share”…
SELECT INTO is a handy feature if you need to move (or copy, specifically in this example) data from one table to another. This brief article means to illustrate how the same Database storage result can be achieved using multiple approaches. Consider the following SQL INSERT statement, which puts data into TABLE 2 by first…
This article delves into a novel web design technique integrated into a well-established PHP project that I initiated 15 years ago. It explores the dynamic generation of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), specifically an SVG text element where the text is not hard coded into the page but dynamically generated by PHP. This so-called dynamic SVG concept…
It makes sense that a pattern will appear. Throughout nature we have patterns. It comes down to math. Axis, divisions, and denominators. Multiplied. Working with an object in Inkscape, I was playing around the stroke appearance. One of the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Object properties is the order of appearance of stroke, relative to markers…
You might think, “prune xyz from my path”, but that’s actually not it. It’s more like, “take this [path] and -prune it”. In other words, think like the old lady: decide and identify what you want to have pruned, then say: “okay, it’s [this path] that i don’t like! Now prune it!” That is, talk…
This is just a place where I keep notes. So I have a reference. The notes are the same regardless of my location.
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