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WP C – Temp

Two of my favorite new things are RSS & / or Atom aggregation, and http://del.icio.us — the “Social Bookmarking” mega-site.

Yes, i’m going through the “i just discovered how damn cool syndication can be!” phase, so i’m all about posting Social Bookmarks with commentary on anything and everything that sparks my interest in regard to Live, Dynamic Content.

In particular, Google Reader seems to be my basic aggregator of choice. I like the fact that I can keep my Google Account setup as one of my Firefox “home page”s and from there, i have a plethora of invaluable research tools at my fingertips. G-Mail goes w/out saying, of course. Then there’s Google Reader, for all of the latest, breaking coolness on all of my favorite sites, and i’ve also got access to all of the other Google goodies right there– but the thing that i really like about the Reader is that i can grab the Feeds from there, and then take the good stuff right over to http://del.icio.us and make a bookmark– such that, this combination of these two resources makes for an incredible advancement on the amount of “stuff” i can try to cram into my brain at any given moment from an increasingly vast, broad amount of different dynamic sources.

Too bad i waited so long to investigate the usefulness of RSS / Atom and Social Bookmarking. I’m excited about what my now more active involvement in these services will bring forth in the weeks and months to come. Wow– in terms of technology and communication, it certainly is an exciting time to be around on planet Earth!!

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
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