Unlikely Reference for Web Standards Resources
While looking for one of my particular favored HTML entities references, it occurred to me that www.bigbaer.com, as an Urban Music magazine might otherwise be an unlikely resource for web developers, but it happens to have a very nice section on web standards, accessibility, and in particular, a very nicely formatted HTML entities reference– available…
WHENU and Save! – Paying for some ‘FREE’ Software
I wrote this article about six months ago. I saved it as a draft because I didn’t want to make remark upon the incident while i was influenced so heavily by emotion. I wanted put some space between my otherwise rational judgment, and the feelings of anger, disappointment, and shame which i felt so strongly…
Betcha Didn’t Know… W3C HTML Spec: 17.6.1
the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification: Forms in HTML documents 17.6.1 Pre-selected options Having not known this little bit of HTML correctness before stumbling upon it while referencing something else this evening, I would like to share it so that you may benefit from the knowledge (or I may recall on a later date). Please note…
XHTML 2.0 – the Modular Web and XForm’s
While roaming with a gnome, I found this interesting little mention of XHTML 2.0 from one of my favorite new web aggregate resources, Answers.com.See for yourself what the rumors suggest we might see in XHTML 2.0
PHP Variable Handling: isset() and empty()
i’ve probably learned more important and practical information about PHP development from phpbuilder dot com than anywhere else. that’s not to say that other resources aren’t as good, i’m just saying that, when it came down to trying my first few bits of conditional logic, or my first run-in with header(), PHPBuilder.com happens to be where i’ve learned much of…
CSS 2.1 (W3C Working Draft) 6.4
!Important; and the Precedence of non-CSS presentational hintsthe following is an excerpt from the Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification which appears in the Panelizer, a convenient package of resources, available FREE in a .zip archive, and downloadable via Rijk‘s handy link (Rijk is a well known, and credible People.Opera.com user and author).This is not the complete text from the original…
MySQL SET Data Type
The following is an excerpt from an article i have referenced numerous times myself from the original source at MySQL : AB (the official MySQL developer zone, located at http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/). The SET datatype is kind of like an ENUM, except there’s an option to pick groups of items as a reply, instead of only one…
MySQL SELECT Tutorials: Simple JOIN
Here’s a nice little helpful tutorial. More Tutorials should be collected here to save time in the future as this is certainly one of the most important aspects of dynamic web application development. I believe that the true power of the Application is derived from efficiency of the SQL, the Database Normalization itself, and the logic…
More Random Links Collected…
In addition to the Primary Bookmarks Page, this “Random Links” page is meant to be a place to jot down bookmarks at those moments when there’s not necessarily time for commentary, but the reference material is too good to go w/out taking a second look again at a later day. If I am able to categorize it…