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  • Install Internet Explorer on Linux: real iE run under WINE emulator

    It’s no secret that IE is the worlds most popular browser– to argue it would be to argue that the sky is more of an off-bluish-green… it’s just not blue, and that’s just foolish! the point is– some people need to use MSIE, and oftentimes a specific version of Internet Explorer, such as ie5.5– still…

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  • CDATA : When, Where, (why) and How to use it in XHTML

    References to, and specifications of CDATA can be seen all throughout the W3C Recommendations– especially in Standardized Generalized Markup Language, the Markup Language from which HTML itself is derived (SGML is a descriptive markup for the structure of a computer document – therefore, since HTML is itself a Structural Markup, we can conclude that HTML…

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  • A Little Taste of Inspiration

    Like all widely-used programming languages, PHP has the very useful ability to read data from, and write data to, files on the system. But the language doesn’t just stop there – PHP comes with a full-featured file-and-directory-manipulation API that allows you (among other things) to view and modify file attributes, read and list directory contents,…

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  • Standard Typeface – Accessible Design

    the Browser-safe Fonts Sidebar Panel Before adding this quick-reference bookmark to your browser, you can preview the contents of the font-family cheat sheet in a new window. NOTE: If you’re looking for just the right font for your web site, use the custom text tool at the bottom of the cheat sheet panel. It’s simple…

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  • PHP Eclipse – How to install the Ulitimate IDE for Linux

    This particular Note is much in the spirit of my original (formerly known as) Web Developers’ Pocket Reference. Fortunately for Linux users, Adam Stokes, of http://astokes.org wrote a very nice step by step tutorial for how-to install PHPEclipse on Fedora Core 5 (a Linux distribution). Mr stokes has titled his article, Web development on Fedora…

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  • Fedora Core RPM Repos: Dependency Resolution Solution

    below is an excerpt from a widely referenced, highly regarded website, stanton-finley.net which explains that the RPMforge collection should not be used at the same time as the Livna RPM’s are being accessed. As a new Linux user who’s had a pretty smooth go of it so far, i highly recommend that you research this…

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  • So You’ve Jumped the G-Mail Bandwagon, but Still Don’t Get the Hype?

    So You’ve Jumped the G-Mail Bandwagon, but Still Don’t Get the Hype?

    Yeah, yeah– it’s old news by now, right? Everyone is using Google’s new e-mail system G-Mail. Cool, right? We get a ton of free space, and we never have to delete messages, and the spam filters are better than any other i’ve ever used. I can even use my G-Mail id for Instant Messages– without…

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  • OOP in PHP Primer: Get your First Taste of Classes, Constructors, and Methods

    Are you a PHP programmer who is yet foreign to the concept of Object Oriented Programming? Are you looking for an article, or tutorial to recommend to a friend so he or she might become better acquainted with the OOP style? If so, I know a very nice little article which I recommend for getting the…

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  • PPK on JavaScript – QuirksMode Guru Comes into His Own With New Book

    Longtime JavaScript guru, and publisher of http://www.quirksmode.org/ , Peter-Paul Koch has just released his first book, PPK on JavaScript 1st edition, New Riders, 2006. ISBN 0321423305. PPK asks that those of you who support him, visit your local bookstore and ask for the book by name– remember to mention New Riders, and taking the ISBN…

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  • The true test of a service: when it is relied upon

    See Also: Browser Sidebar Panels : Web Developer Tools When it comes to web accessibility and web-standards references, such as the W3C Recommendations for example, i have to be among the most neurotic pack rats. Any time i find a web site which could be a design or development reference to lead me in the…

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