Line Breaks: More than a Handfull
See also: Cutting Lines If you have any experience in programming, or even in simply writing HTML markup, you have probably come across the need to use a specified Line Break Control Character. It can be confusing as to when and where one should be used over the other. ASCII(1) One of the all-time-most-common standards…
Share it all you Want… Just use the GPL!
Useful information coming soon… What is the best version of; way to use the GPL on one’s personal / private authored documents? What is the best version of; way to use the GPL on applicable documents authored for commercial use? — or does it not apply here?
Share it all you Want… Just use the GPL!
Useful information coming soon… What is the best version of; way to use the GPL on one’s personal / private authored documents? What is the best version of; way to use the GPL on applicable documents authored for commercial use? — or does it not apply here?
Taking Command: Firefox and Thunderbird
Note: now updated w/ illustration! Launching TB or FF from the Command Line (or with the RUN command of the Start menu in Windows XP) In order to truly benefit from the alternative functions offered by Command Line execution, it is essential to refer to the Mozilla Command Line Options, an extensive list of special…
Score “Outstanding” in your Penmanship: a look at Code Style
More info about Coding Style Standards. have you ever wondered what is best practice in keeping your code consistent, not only w/ yourself, but w/ others in the industry? ever wondered what’s best for a function bracket, or what to do when a closing bracket is going to have an “else” clause? This Note is logged…
Tar the GNU Archiving Tool
Excerpt from the Linux man pages: learn to use GNU Linux Tar command to boost your productivity when working from the command line.
the Doepud Show : Code they Say is Made in U.K.
I opened my inbox to the pleasant surprise of the arrival of my August ’06 edition of the Doepd web design (Glasgow, U.K.) mailing list. I stumbled upon Doepud several months ago to find what i believe to be, of all of the web sites that i recall throughout my research– research in web design,…