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  • Flashpaste the Programmer's Ultimate Code Collection

    Flashpaste the Programmer's Ultimate Code Collection

    Flashpaste is simple to use and super convenient! Download it for free and try it out!

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  • AI and Image Transformation

    AI and Image Transformation

    Check out this article at Wolfram-Alpha. Using AI and a huge database of images, you can do some pretty cool stuff. Also, Wolfram-Alpha has an extensive amount of useful resources worth checking out when you’re done with this: AdaIN-Style – Wolfram Neural Net Repository (wolframcloud.com) At GitHub

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  • Digging in to WordPress Block Themes

    Digging in to WordPress Block Themes

    Enter if you dare. This article is all kinds of disjointed and out of order. But, it’s getting there. We’re digging alright. Like Peter Gabriel. C’mon in.

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  • Typography Tools

    Typography Tools

    Recently I’ve discovered some really nice tools for matching fonts, typeface, typography. Links inside.

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  • CSS Generated Content: Revisited

    CSS Generated Content: Revisited

    first you must reference the Hex code for that character, which is #. The hex value must be further interpreted however, for CSS. Using the 6 hex digit rule, that code would look like the following property, value pair: content: “Step \000023 ” counter(section);

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  • Web Browsers – 25 Years Later

    Web Browsers – 25 Years Later

    Are you still using multiple web browsers in 2023? Why? Why not!

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  • Windows Powershell – Introduction

    Plesae note that it is for the express purpose of DEMONSTRATION ONLY, so the reader might make his or her own decisions about the subject, as this author makes no claim here regarding the quality of the software itself or the operation thereof, his fascination with the software notwithstanding.

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  • Create Icon-Size Images. Export .ICO Format.

    [ note: the following article is incomplete ]Intended Audience: Note: Experience, though indicated above to describe a recommended audience, must not be misunderstood to imply an exclusive purpose for the resource. The classification is provided to express the author’s expectation regarding what the article has to offer, in very general terms, to give readers an…

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  • Eliminate Frustration in Icon Creation

    Web Designers, Graphic Designers, and Graphic Art hobbyists, if during your time “ In front of the monitor ”, you’ve tried to create an icon, but found yourself unsatisfied with the results, then this article is written specifically with you in mind. What is an Icon What is an Icon? According to TheFreeDictionary.com, icon – a visual representation (of an object or…

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  • Choosing a DOCTYPE: XHTML vs. HTML

    Aww, man! Not another lame blog entry…on the issue of HTML vs XHTML <!DOCTYPE>! Not only are there ten billion articles the same, it’s a really annoying topic, isn’t it? Ha! Well, I must admit, this most recent time I’ve come across another myself, I decided to read it, and I did gain a little insight into…

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