Lost Treasure: Found! (entertainment)
For musicians, students, and bedside bards, i hope you enjoy what i always simply called the “A-B Repeat Mp3 player”!
How does the other half live?
I’m not one who typically cares anything about whether Macromedia Flash is or is not used in a web site. As someone who desires a comprehensive know-how, and wherewithal in terms of internet and web design and development technology, i’m not proud to say that I don’t know the details about what’s coming out of…
Install Internet Explorer on Linux: real iE run under WINE emulator
It’s no secret that IE is the worlds most popular browser– to argue it would be to argue that the sky is more of an off-bluish-green… it’s just not blue, and that’s just foolish! the point is– some people need to use MSIE, and oftentimes a specific version of Internet Explorer, such as ie5.5– still…
Fedora Core RPM Repos: Dependency Resolution Solution
below is an excerpt from a widely referenced, highly regarded website, stanton-finley.net which explains that the RPMforge collection should not be used at the same time as the Livna RPM’s are being accessed. As a new Linux user who’s had a pretty smooth go of it so far, i highly recommend that you research this…
The true test of a service: when it is relied upon
See Also: Browser Sidebar Panels : Web Developer Tools When it comes to web accessibility and web-standards references, such as the W3C Recommendations for example, i have to be among the most neurotic pack rats. Any time i find a web site which could be a design or development reference to lead me in the…
BurnRight! CD & DVD – Best I found for FREE!
Have you got a problematic DVD burner? Given up on Deep Burner, or even Nero? Before you throw it in the trash, try BurnRIght! CD & DVD for windows 98, XP, and more.
WHENU and Save! – Paying for some ‘FREE’ Software
I wrote this article about six months ago. I saved it as a draft because I didn’t want to make remark upon the incident while i was influenced so heavily by emotion. I wanted put some space between my otherwise rational judgment, and the feelings of anger, disappointment, and shame which i felt so strongly…