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  • Inkscape and the Mozilla Firefox Addon : Palette Grabber

    Inkscape and the Mozilla Firefox Addon : Palette Grabber

    Inkscape What is an Inkscape? If you’re asking that question, then the answer is: ‘…Inkscape is the best vector drawing software that you’ve never heard of!…’. Inkscape is a Web Standards based, Scalable Vector Graphics Illustrator with some of the most powerful features you’ll find in ANY software for designing digital imagery. Incredibly, the SVG…

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  • Technique: Find the Perfect Font for Text as Image

    Technique: Find the Perfect Font for Text as Image

    “…so the text and colors can be tested against a more realistic representation of their possible use in the actual web site…” If you’ve ever used a Word Processor, then chances are you have at least once labored with the potentially time-consuming, often tedious indecision which accompanies the selection of the Perfect Font for your text masterpiece in waiting.…

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  • Search del.icio.us Sidebar Browser Panel :

    Search del.icio.us Sidebar Browser Panel :

    Just follow these few SIMPLE steps for adding your custom del.icio.us Your-Saved-Bookmarks search to your browser sidebar panel. It works surprisingly well for being so simple, IMHO. Step-by-step – Create your personalized del.icio.us sidebar: Go to your account on del.icio.us (as in http://del.icio.us/YOUR-USERNAME ). Using the drop-down selector there, you MUST select Your Bookmarks for…

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  • Profile Switcher Extension XPI :Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox

    Profile Switcher Extension XPI :
    Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox

    Whatever your reason for keeping more than one Firefox browser Profile or Thunderbird e-mail client software Profile, it is nice to be able to switch between several different profiles without the default procedure which requires having to exit the application, and then launch the Mozilla Profile Manager†. On-the-Fly Profile Manager: the Firefox Profile Switcher Extension…

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  • Create a Sidebar Panel of your Favourite Web Site

    Easily create a custom sidebar of your choice (aka. browser panel, sidebar panel, or opera hotlist) for your web browser. Try it. It’s very easy, so go check it out!

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  • WordPress Bloggers – Do You Know a Flockin' Thing?

    Anyone using a WordPress Blog (and also some other Blog software, including [at least the old version of] Blogger) should download, install, and try the FREE web browser, Flock. Flock allows for authoring new Blog entries very, very easily. Flock, by default, has a clickable ” Blog ” toolbar icon (simply right-click on the toolbar,…

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  • WordPress Bloggers – Do You Know a Flockin’ Thing?

    WordPress Bloggers – Do You Know a Flockin’ Thing?

    Once there was a web browser known as Flock. This is the story of it’s life, and untimely death.

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  • Linux Text Editor : Scribes

    Official Scribes Web Site at Sourceforge Scribes Functions Quick Reference: Spell Checking: F6 Indent line or lines: Ctrl-T Unident line or lines: Ctrl-Shift-T Find matching brackets: Ctrl+B Join a line: Alt-J Select a word: Alt-W Select a line: Alt-L Select a sentence: Alt-S Select text within brackets: Alt-B Change selected text from lowercase to uppercase:…

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  • Taking Command: Firefox and Thunderbird

    Taking Command: Firefox and Thunderbird

    Note: now updated w/ illustration! Launching TB or FF from the Command Line (or with the RUN command of the Start menu in Windows XP) In order to truly benefit from the alternative functions offered by Command Line execution, it is essential to refer to the Mozilla Command Line Options, an extensive list of special…

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  • Tar the GNU Archiving Tool

    Tar the GNU Archiving Tool

    Excerpt from the Linux man pages: learn to use GNU Linux Tar command to boost your productivity when working from the command line.

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