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  • DuckDuckGo Browser with Enhanced Privacy Protection

    DuckDuckGo Browser with Enhanced Privacy Protection

    Get the DuckDuckGo web browser! It’s still in the beta stage, but it works nicely. Based on the Microsoft Edge WebView2 technology, the DuckDuckGo privacy supporting browser is lightweight and runs fast. Fast in no small part to the fact that you can’t install extensions on the DuckDuckGo browser. If you’re in the habit if…

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  • What You Won’t Know; What Hurts You.

    Tech Support is You: A Scenario Suppose, upon arrival at work next morning, you find yourself engaged in the minutia of the illustrious role of Systems Analyst; PC Tech Support; IT dude / IT chick: whatever the term used to summon your attention, your duties are essentially to save-the-day for all you survey, as the…

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  • Pop Culture, GUI, and Web Development Visionary

    Buck Rogers: Web Developer? As the first decade of the 21st Century wanes into History, how might we summarize the role of the Web in popular culture? If you had to summarize the web in a word or a phrase, what might it be? For example, when did you first utter the phrase “web services”?Considering…

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  • PPK on JavaScript – QuirksMode Guru Comes into His Own With New Book

    Longtime JavaScript guru, and publisher of http://www.quirksmode.org/ , Peter-Paul Koch has just released his first book, PPK on JavaScript 1st edition, New Riders, 2006. ISBN 0321423305. PPK asks that those of you who support him, visit your local bookstore and ask for the book by name– remember to mention New Riders, and taking the ISBN…

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  • WHENU and Save! – Paying for some ‘FREE’ Software

    I wrote this article about six months ago. I saved it as a draft because I didn’t want to make remark upon the incident while i was influenced so heavily by emotion. I wanted put some space between my otherwise rational judgment, and the feelings of anger, disappointment, and shame which i felt so strongly…

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  • PHP Variable Handling: isset() and empty()

    PHP Variable Handling: isset() and empty()

    i’ve probably learned more important and practical information about PHP development from phpbuilder dot com than anywhere else. that’s not to say that other resources aren’t as good, i’m just saying that, when it came down to trying my first few bits of conditional logic, or my first run-in with header(), PHPBuilder.com happens to be where i’ve learned much of…

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  • XSS Preparedness & a Friendly Programmer’s Advice

    PHP Input Validation Flaw in Certain Error Pages as reported on Security Tracker dotCom, and other such news always raises my ears because I have been the victim of Cross Site Scripting myself. I have also been the victim of other hacks related to my own lack of security precautions, so tend to review alerts such as…

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  • Keep your paws off of my mail()!

    Keep your paws off of my mail()!

    Here I have a prime example of a situation in which, although my application may function just fine on its own, for security reasons, it needs some extra support. Why does the ‘contact form’ above need support in order to be secure?It is essential to protect the hosting server from anonymous mail() usage by random…

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