StartPage – Instant Answers
If you have been using StartPage as your primary, private/ privacy search engine, then you may have noticed the Instant Answers feature as you’ve been searching but might not have even realized it. Not unlike what Google offers, StartPage Instant Answers is available on their privacy promoting platform. Check out this summary of StartPage Instant…
Flip out, man!
Check out the tool at Fileformat.info which allows you to enter text into a form, and submit it to have the returned text be displayed– upside-down! Note: URL href updated 2010.02.27
Search Engine Disparity
It’s no new news that different Search Engines have unique ways of gathering information they store for use in a search query. Personally, I use Google 99% of the time. However, I discovered something interesting today which may lead me to query more than one Search Engine for my future research. I wanted to see…
Everything Overloaded
A.C., a good friend, and I were conversing recently when the subject of information overload came up. Information overload is probably not a term i would have coined, nor is it something that i’d likely use– probably because most of the people who i’m in direct, conversational contact with could stand to add any information…
The true test of a service: when it is relied upon
See Also: Browser Sidebar Panels : Web Developer Tools When it comes to web accessibility and web-standards references, such as the W3C Recommendations for example, i have to be among the most neurotic pack rats. Any time i find a web site which could be a design or development reference to lead me in the…