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It’s no secret that IE is the worlds most popular browser– to argue it would be to argue that the sky is more of an off-bluish-green… it’s just not blue, and that’s just foolish! the point is– some people need to use MSIE, and oftentimes a specific version of Internet Explorer, such as ie5.5– still a widely used browser– so the steadfast, cross-browser mindful web developers are led to believe. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you are a Linux user, and a Web Developer, you have probably encountered the obstacle of viewing your design in IE. But this is a happy day because your IE on Linux installation hassles are over! Just let ies4linux do the installations, all for you with a BASH .sh script– actual working installations (though, reportedly not officially supported by the WinE development team) — all automated from terminal extracted and installed on your Linux, or any OS running WINE, the WINdows Emulator Software — โ€œ internet Explorer For Linux โ€ internet explorer , internet explorers, ie6, ie6.0, ie 6, ie 6.0, ie5.5, ie 5.5, ie5.0, ie 5.0, or internet explorer’s multiple versions ( โ€˜ ies4linux โ€™ get it?) includes automatic, scripted installation via root in Terminal, of the following versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer:

  • ie6 ( Internet Explorer version 6.0 )
  • IE 5.5 ( Internet Explorer 5.5 )
  • IE 5.0 ( Internet Explorer version 5 )

all of which are browsers with which today’s Web Standards Web Developers should test their Designs so the inconsistent support (the lack thereof) in Internet Explorer (as well as accounting for the differences between each of these older, pre ie 6.0 versions) does not affect the cross browser / cross platform accessibility of his or her XHTML — a problem so often experienced by Internet Explorer users when they browse to the older, often non-standards compliant web designs. in case you couldn’t tell, i’m writing for S.E.O. in hopes that the ies4linux by Sรฏยฟยฝ?ร‚ยฉrgio Lopes might be found more easily in the search engines.

If you are a wine (windows emulation software) user; a webmaster, or web designer or if you program in web development using Fedora Core 5, other Fedora Core versions, SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu, or other Popular GNU/Linux based operating systems running WINE , then please do yourself a favor and look no further than Sรฏยฟยฝ?ร‚ยฉrgio Lopes’s ie4linux automatic scripted installation downloadable program for installing Internet Explorer with no hassle, no need to download and install several separate components such as DCOM98 (DCOM98.EXE for Windows 98 emulation), or any other frustrating procedures — just go to tatanka.com.br (best if logged into terminal, SU to root, from CLI open Mozilla, download ies4linux and select “open” from the download dialogue — it should default to your software installation utility– which itself should default as ROOT since you’ve opened it as root from mozilla as root– i chose this method and it was literally a one-click installation. very simple and easy method of installing ie on linux.

go to this URL:

Please help Sรฏยฟยฝ?ร‚ยฉrgio Lopes – the generous developer who has made this script available to the world, free of charge. although he provides the option via Pay Pal, he does not ask for a donation — admirable, and worthy of a donation ten-fold. Sรฏยฟยฝ?ร‚ยฉrgio Lopes also seeks translators for different languages so he can provide ies4Linux to as many people as possible.

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
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