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WP C – Temp

Free black and white start

Recommended Reading for the First-time Visitor

Quickly discover WordPress Center .net by following some of the Author’s recommended links.

Example Stuff
Anything here should get you going, or try one from the links specified under โ€œ [read] moreโ€ below.
Software Stuff
WordPress Center .net articles containing the word software
just Flip Out, Man!
The title says it all. Try it. Flip-out, with amazing results, in no time!

The following hyperlinks represent some of the author’s own Favorite WordPress Center .net pages: You may call it crap, if you wish, or the good sh*t, or whatever your sweetness so desires. It is my plan (see heading, below, re: SEO and Temptation) to update the content here, frequently, although it’s more likely to be infrequently updated, in fact. You dig, right?

On the Panel
An article devoted to various, old-school web browser sidebar panels. These are the sort of things everyone used, essentially, before the advent of the “browser extension” (i.e. mozilla .xpi addons, etc.). Don’t knock it, yo. These things are great!
@font-face and The Standard US ASCII Keyboard
For anyone who is curious about what characters a chosen font may or may not display on-screen, but tired of typing qwertyuiop, check out this bit of plain text. To test for basic English (i.e. US-ASCII characters) support, wrap it in a <pre> tag and viola!
For jEdit Users
The official WordPress Center .net, jEdit Toolbar icon designed for use in customizing the jEdit toolbar to include one-click, toolbar button access to the Word Wrap state.
On Habari, the Web Log platform (CMS)
Habari weblog: innovation vs integration
The ever boring, somehow enduring story, er… discussion; comparison; waste of time: XHTML vs HTML / HTML 5, etc. blah, blah
I, Robot
On authoring content for the public forum, and the accountability thereof.

Chillax, yo! It’s an epic blast!


Web Content Publishers: Why SEO, and such Temptation to โ€œGoogle-itโ€?

Dig this scenario, Holmes. You’re sitting there with the Search Engine in front of you, and you sense a desire to research something. Whatever your reason for landing at the Search Engine Query field, you feel the irresistible temptation to submit a new search engine query– not for research purposes, as usual– but to discover just exactly where your web site content media ranks amongst the billions of other potentially similar URL’s. It was this very activity which inspired the creation of this entry, which I intend to make sticky, here in WordPress— what, with the new ability to do so and all!โ€ 

โ€  Located under the (newer WordPress distribution) WordPress Dashboard sub-section, named Publish, generally available on editing, or publishing of a new Post (though, one may need to click first, to modify something of the Status, or Visibility of the Published item). Indeed, it would seem I’ve discovered, to my grand publishing-worthy-delight, yet another sub-section of features hidden within the depths of ever-growing complexity of our once simple Web Log software, WordPress. Reader, take note: this web log post is formatted with a special Sticky attribute, unique amongst all the posts and pages of WordPressCenter.net (though the sticky attribute is not limited to placement on a single item of the blog, this is as I’ve chosen to use it, currently).


WordPress Content Publishing, Visibility: Sticky

Since my first experience in web log / blog content management with WordPress, version 1.6 circa 2005 [since version x.x] affords the author with various to apply multiple Visibilityโ€œstick to front pageโ€? who cares, right? hehe)

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
Don’t want to sign-in to leave a comment? Send an email with this contact form. I’m not tracking you, but I would like your opinion about what needs improving!

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