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WP C – Temp

Debian Font Manager view
Off-site Links about Fonts and Typography
Type Terms – Learn typography terms
On-site Links about Fonts and Typography
Find the Perfect Font for use Text as Image (e.g. logos, icons, signs, etc.)

Desktop Software

Windows Font Software


FontAgent – “modern, customizable Windows interface gives you the power to discover, search, activate, colorize and compare your fontsโ€”to streamline your workflow and improve everything you produce.” (maybe the best?)


FontBase – “All platforms. Professional features. Beautiful UI. Totally free. FontBase is the font manager of the new generation, built by designers, for designers.”


FontExplorer – “holds several unique functions for fonts management: Font Database, advanced Filter and Search options, ability to look into zipped files (one or more) and preview hundreds of fonts at once in single or 10 columns.”


FontViewOK – “Up to 1000 fonts per second. Dual font preview for quick comparisons of fonts. Quick overview and comparisons of all fonts. Compare not installed fonts. Printing with print preview function. Changeable font size, style and color. List all fonts from a specific folder.” (worth a look fur-shur!)

MainType by High Logic

โ€œMainType is designed for graphic artists, typographers, and other power users who demand high-end functionality such as network support, advanced categorizing, and complex searching capabilities.โ€ ~ Official Site

In my personal experience, MainType is probably the best available Font management utility software for Windows users. (Before I found FontAgent)

Nexus Font

Nexus Font Page here. Nexus Font is nice. The user interface is prettier than The Font Thing, but I don’t like that it doesn’t remember the folders it scanned (i.e. it scans at startup each time), and installed fonts are not simple to identify when all fonts are loaded together.

The Font Thing

Official Page here. The Font Thing is a simple font manager for Windows. From 1999, this app continues to be one of the easiest ways to manage a large collection of fonts. There are prettier apps. But, the hardcore user might not find a better Desktop app for managing fonts on Windows.

Match Font from Image

Font Matching Tool (legacy)
Download the Freeware by Lanmisoft
While you’re there, check out their other specialized software, like the Arduino Control Center for PC Hardware sensors!
Other Typography Tools
Click here for another article about fonts and typography tools

Online Resources



Article about why to convert to WOFF format.


Fontastic – icon fonts n stuff

Flip Vertical

Flipping out! something

Free Font Download Sites
Match Fonts by Image
FontSpring Matcherator
FontSquirrel Matcherator
(while the apps have the same name, the results are different)

Fonts by Family / Type

Sans-Serif (Alt / styled)

Discovered at Underscores.me in use in html form input fields.
I don’t recall where I discovered it. Available at Google Fonts. I’m not sure I like it anymore:
Comfortaa font

Keyboard / Test Text

Standard QWERTY Keyboard Text
Just a sample of basic text for testing font appearance. Check it out.

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
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