Unlikely Reference for Web Standards Resources

Gummy bear

While looking for one of my particular favored HTML entities references, it occurred to me that www.bigbaer.com, as an Urban Music magazine might otherwise be an unlikely resource for web developers, but it happens to have a very nice section on web standards, accessibility, and in particular, a very nicely formatted HTML entities reference– available … Read more

DreamWeaver 8 or is it Dreamweaver MX 2005 ?

Free empty CD image

Having recently used it to in the completion of a project, I’d like to share some thoughts on the latest sequel in the legacy of this ever-popular IDE, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 (aka. Adobe Studio 8, Dreamweaver 8– the web development tool of the newest Adobe Studio). Why provide commentary about the ol’ Weaver anyway? it’s … Read more

WHENU and Save! – Paying for some ‘FREE’ Software

I wrote this article about six months ago. I saved it as a draft because I didn’t want to make remark upon the incident while i was influenced so heavily by emotion. I wanted put some space between my otherwise rational judgment, and the feelings of anger, disappointment, and shame which i felt so strongly … Read more

Betcha Didn’t Know… W3C HTML Spec: 17.6.1

the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification: Forms in HTML documents 17.6.1 Pre-selected options Having not known this little bit of HTML correctness before stumbling upon it while referencing something else this evening, I would like to share it so that you may benefit from the knowledge (or I may recall on a later date). Please note … Read more

need to increase the height of a layout column <div> ?

For about a year now, the stylistic quality of my own original html compositions has been handled by the incredibly versatile stylistic design, and layout options afforded by Cascading Stylesheets (though it seems much longer than that!). A proponent of universally accessible design, and advocate of web standards, valid, logically structured XHTML and CSS code, … Read more

PHP Variable Handling: isset() and empty()

Maybe. Probably.

i’ve probably learned more important and practical information about PHP development from phpbuilder dot com than anywhere else. that’s not to say that other resources aren’t as good, i’m just saying that, when it came down to trying my first few bits of conditional logic, or my first run-in with header(), PHPBuilder.com happens to be where i’ve learned much of … Read more