Windows XP – Open / Save File Dialog: Customized!

MyCustom File Dialogue – #2 in the recent top-discoveries

Fix your open / save dialog by using TweakUI, a Windows PowerToy available at Microsoft dotCom. NOTE: Rumor has it that sometimes Tweak-UI is unavailable at the M$ resource, so you may want to check places like MajorGeeks, Softpedia, or just a simple Google Search, of course.

Once you’ve installed TweakUI, go to Common Dialogs > Places Bar > and tick the radio button next to Custom Places bar (as of this date, March 2006). I recommend you have Windows Explorer open as well (or whatever is your preferred method for acquiring the full directory / folder Paths). You can choose from the preselected custom options, such as My Documents, My Computer, Favorites, or you can simply enter a PATH (such as C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\ for example). Since you have no limit to how many times you can change this, you should toy around with what settings you think are going to best suit you, and then go back and modify them if you find that you’re still browsing for your folders more often than using your Custom Places Bar configuration.

Enjoy your new-found happiness!

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