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Database Table relationships.

I just came across a nice article that covers precisely what I was setting out to accomplish. I haven’t tried it yet, but the reason I’m sharing it really is for the author’s approach to the concept of managing unique taxonomies, or taxonomies which have unique relationships (essentially), and how best to approach the management thereof.

I like the way that author Nick Diego focuses on how to utilize the object oriented programming approach to solving the problem of taxonomy relationships by implementing what I believe is the essence of modern WordPress coding standards. Ideally, a good developer doesn’t think about how to best utilize another developer’s plugins. Instead, he thinks about how to use the OOP backbone framework of the code and integrated robustness of design and semantically correct approach to content presentation which WordPress is good at doing fairly easily.

Diego focuses on the Full Site Editing approach to utilizing the fuller power of the very core of WordPress itself, rather than merely suggesting what plugin might do the trick for you. In my opinion, if you want to understand WordPress, you need to understand how to implement code like this.


Nick Diego

Nick Diego‘s article, โ€œDisplaying Custom Taxonomies in the WordPress Site Editorโ€, is a recommended read for the advancing WordPress developer.

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
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