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WP C – Temp

May the following entertain you, assist you, or further develop your opinion.
UPDATE: This isn’t working as i’d hoped. Anyone with experience in publicly editable Google spreadsheets, please lend your advice.

What is it?

A calculator I made using a spreadsheet, years ago, which I find is useful in determining certain calculations with efficiency, for handling alignment and approximate width of HTML div, or other containers which might be a part of an HTML document, as styled with CSS.

Please comment, if you have any advice to offer. I wish to for it to be available for others to actually USE, instead of merely look-at. After all, it’s not much to look at, really. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
Don’t want to sign-in to leave a comment? Send an email with this contact form. I’m not tracking you, but I would like your opinion about what needs improving!

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