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Yeah, yeah– it’s old news by now, right? Everyone is using Google’s new e-mail system G-Mail. Cool, right? We get a ton of free space, and we never have to delete messages, and the spam filters are better than any other i’ve ever used. I can even use my G-Mail id for Instant Messages– without leaving my Inbox! But, really– all of the features i’ve mentioned so far aren’t really what makes G-Mail so much better than doing e-mail the old way. These flashy new features are NOT why G-mail grew so extraordinarily popular, and in fact, the features mentioned above have probably been seen in other services. So, if it’s not all of these great features, then what is it that sets G-Mail apart from the crowd?

Can You Filter the Excess Static of ga-ga Goodies, and Label the Real Reason why G-Mail makes modern life more simple?

In case you didn’t know, G-mail is different because of the way it organizes your mail. Your Inbox is completely different, beginning at the very concept of electronic mail. Now that the technology exists to search, label, and filter as fast over as vast an amount of content as Google can, the new concept is able to thrive– and thrive it has. But, it’s not just because the Inbox is organized into “conversations” instead of separate messages, but it’s the additional way that those Conversations are organized– by Labels and Filters.

So I can Filter the Message, and Put a Label on it. I’ve been using Filters for years, and i organize e-mail with Folders already!

In truth, it is a big deal. Because of the Label technology, one message doesn’t need to go into a folder because it can be Labeled instead. Think of it this way: consider your Personal and Business email. Most of the time, it can go into the separate folders, but have you ever had trouble deciding which folder to put it in– Business or Personal? With Labels, you don’t have to decide– you can Label that message as both Business AND Personal. Later, when you’re reading all mail with a Personal Label, you’ll see the message. Read all Business e-mail, and the Message is there too!

Okay, Maybe the Labels Really Are Better. It’s Too Confusing!

If you’ve been avoiding switching to g-mail because you just don’t see the benefit, or you have made the switch, and you still haven’t recognized the benefit. All of your friends rave how great it is, and you’re still scratching your head? If that is you, then drop everything and view this brief video which explains everything you need to know in order to truly take advantage of the power of G-mail. Now, don’t say i never gave ya’ nuthin’!

Additional Helpful Reading Here

Helpful Tips for Maximizing your G-thang:

No, it’s not the Austin Powers Enlarger! It’s more info about good practices for maintaining a clean inbox. Here’s just a few:

  • As soon as you receive mail from a new source, create a filter immediately. Get into this habit. You’ll see why once you start Archiving your mail
  • Create “Smart Filters”– filters that are going to catch ALL mail relevant to your proposed criteria. Google has built in an aide for you to make this easy. Try your filters BEFORE saving them. Take note of which criterial fields result in more or less messages in the testing step.
  • Google has added a new checkbox: “Apply this filter to the xyz messages below” — meaning it is going to save you a step. you’ve already filtered any old messages meeting your new filter criteria– why not label them while you’re at it.
  • Whenever possible, don’t “Micro-Label”. Although “personal” and “business” are two highly popular labels, we still need more to properly organize, but don’t get carried away. If you find they’re getting out of hand, then consolodate

okay, so i admit some of these recent “articles” haven’t been completely Web Developer related. I’ve put it here anyway because I believe it can help you. I always welcome your feedback.

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
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