I opened my inbox to the pleasant surprise of the arrival of my August ’06 edition of the Doepd web design (Glasgow, U.K.) mailing list. I stumbled upon Doepud several months ago to find what i believe to be, of all of the web sites that i recall throughout my research– research in web design, application development, accessibile design, and, most uniquely to Doepud, tips and recommended practices for the business-owner in any of the aforementioned disciplines of web archetechture– i found Doepd web design (Glasgow, U.K.) to present their content in a fresh, easily consumable package, all with appropriate responsibility in their delivery. Based on what i’ve read there previously, i am confident that when i return to Doepud, i’ll find more satisfying material.
I’ve pasted an excerpt from the Doepud Newsletter #6, August 2006 for your sampling enjoyment. When you’re finished, do go check out http://doepud.co.uk/. I promise that the site offers much more than this comparitively standard newsletter.
The launch of Internet Explorer 7 – a modern web browser from Microsoft
The release of this new web browser is a hotly anticipated event at Doepud headquarters. Ask any web designer about the IE7 predecessor (current version Internet Explorer 6) and they’ll probably complain bitterly about the amount of extra time they’ve spent trying to make make their sites display properly. The problem is largely down to page styling (or Cascading Style Sheets to be more precise). IE6 is renowned for breaking page layouts and producing lots of painful visual bugs. And the downside is, web designers have little choice because the market share of IE6 is so significant – 57.8% of surfers use IE compared with 25.0% for number 2 browser Firefox. The good news is that the recent tests we’ve carried out using IE7 suggest Microsoft have made major improvements… and that can only mean less headaches, thankfully!
They’re planning to make IE7 available as a high-priority update via Automatic Updates sometime in the last quarter of 2006. This is a smart move which means that the uptake of the new browser could be quick. So, make sure you download and install the latest version when it becomes available. There’s further information about the IE7 update at the IE Blog.
If you’re a Firefox or Opera user you may be interested in this article which asks ‘Which New Browser Is Best: Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2 or Opera 9?’. It’s a comparative overview of the three major web browsers on the market at he moment.