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WebCoder PHP Xdebug

Tanggaard Software, otherwise known as TSW, or tsware.net, has announced the forthcoming release of phpCoder 2008

Forthcoming PHP IDE: TSW phpCoder 2008

According to Tanggaard Software‘s Kasper Tanggaard:

โ€ฆ[phpCoder 2008] will come with a nice set of features โ€ฆ based around writing PHP code. โ€ฆ You will see [elements familiar from] WebCoder [the TSW web development IDE flagship], but phpCoder will be lighter, and almost every feature will be PHP related in one way or another. โ€ฆ PHP developers will write HTML too and even CSS โ€ฆ phpCoder will of course help with this, just like it helps you write PHP code. phpCoder brings โ€ฆ real debugging and profiling, PHP Tidy and live syntax check among the interesting additionsโ€ฆ

– Kasper Tanggaard, Owner and Lead Developer : TSW Software

Having developed the majority of my own, existing web applications with TSW’s legacy Webcoder 2005, I am eager to get my hands on the first beta, or test-release of TSW phpCoder 2008. For those of you who are looking for a new PHP IDE, I recommend you keep a lookout for phpCoder 2008 at tsware.net, and get involved in the beta testing because, historically, Tanggaard developers tend to listen closely to the feedback provided by beta-testers. This is your chance to encourage a superior development team to consider implementing your own special requests!

In the meantime, check out the other TSW titles:

  • Webcoder 2007 : a full-featured Web Development IDE, including an integrated, real-time MySQL GUI
  • WebPad.NET : a lightweight Web IDE
  • SiteSync : FTP Client designed to synchronize local and remote sites, includes added benefit of a powerful built-in text editor, and side-by-side file comparison (diff) utility for detecting file differences– a luxury for version control management.

Whatchu do

You. Yes, you!

โ€œStand still, Laddy!โ€
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