Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols – HTML NCR’s
Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols and their corresponding Numerical Character Reference (NCR). Install the font for full coverage.
Choosing a DOCTYPE: XHTML vs. HTML
Aww, man! Not another lame blog entry…on the issue of HTML vs XHTML <!DOCTYPE>! Not only are there ten billion articles the same, it’s a really annoying topic, isn’t it? Ha! Well, I must admit, this most recent time I’ve come across another myself, I decided to read it, and I did gain a little insight into…
PHP String Variables: To Quote… or Double Quote?
…that is the question. Oftentimes i find myself faced with a situation wherein I must decide whether to use PHP’s single or double quotes. If you’re not aware of it by now, then you should STOP everything and go learn a bit about the differences between the two: a single-quoted string, vs a double-quoted string–…
Do as the Pros Do: Learn by Example!
Responsible Appropriation: I am an advocate of learning from others by observing the mastery of their work. Surely something can be learned by attempting to emulate a work of art, and oftentimes– throughout history– it has even been considered an effort of flattery. Role Model Candidates: Yahoo! Widgets Deep purples and Lush Green/Blue colors. Black…
CSS and PHP: Working with a Dynamic Style Sheet
Have you ever wanted your CSS to respond differently depending upon your page content? It is possible to have interplay between PHP and CSS. If you want to try using CSS and PHP together, here are a few simple suggestions to get you going: STEP ONE: The html: In this technique for integrating Dynamic CSS,…
Who needs markup when you’ve got bitchin’ graphics!?
There’s nothing quite like good clean design– artistic design crafted by a skilled, talented artist. The best examples of good design in web publishing have an affect on the viewer, not in an obvious way, but such that the he or she is drawn to the page content. In the most remarkably successful use of…