Web Development Tools Essential Software
[ Related Reading: Essential Desktop Productivity Software ] One nice thing about migrating to a new Operating System is that you’ll probably have to install / reinstall software. How in the name of anything is that nice you ask? Well it forces you to remember what tools you truly use. I have a ton of…
Use Powershell for Windows Service Administration
Microsoft PowerShell Sith Lord Jedi Smasher
W3C Specification
A Closer Look at W3C Technical Reports and Publications: Standard Frustration Web Design & Web Application Development In the context of Web Design and Web Development standards, there is one prevailing source of confusion; one primary element responsible for blowing the minds of beginners, and without prejudice for seasoned professionals, that their disagreement upon its proper interpretation…
HTML 5: the Fate of Style, Decided?
If you are in the habit of authoring valid, forward compatible hypertext markup, then you have probably heard rumors that the HTML element attribute style=“ ”, may be deprecated in HTML 5. The style=“ ” attribute is a valid attribute of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0, and according to the HTML 5 draft in progress, style=”” will maintain its place as…
Choosing a DOCTYPE: XHTML vs. HTML
Aww, man! Not another lame blog entry…on the issue of HTML vs XHTML <!DOCTYPE>! Not only are there ten billion articles the same, it’s a really annoying topic, isn’t it? Ha! Well, I must admit, this most recent time I’ve come across another myself, I decided to read it, and I did gain a little insight into…
A Little Taste of Inspiration
Like all widely-used programming languages, PHP has the very useful ability to read data from, and write data to, files on the system. But the language doesn’t just stop there – PHP comes with a full-featured file-and-directory-manipulation API that allows you (among other things) to view and modify file attributes, read and list directory contents,…
CSS Level 2
The @import rule
W3C RecommendationThe following is an excerpt from the W3C Recommendation, CSS Level 2 Working Draft as presented in Rijk’s Panelizer, an educational resource panel available for the Opera Browser User Agent (as of Opera 8, and probably earlier as well). I have taken the liberty to paraphrase, and re-structure some of the original text (which i appropriated directly…