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  • Web Development Tools Essential Software

    Web Development Tools Essential Software

    [ Related Reading: Essential Desktop Productivity Software ] One nice thing about migrating to a new Operating System is that you’ll probably have to install / reinstall software. How in the name of anything is that nice you ask? Well it forces you to remember what tools you truly use. I have a ton of…

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  • W3C Specification

    A Closer Look at W3C Technical Reports and Publications: Standard Frustration Web Design & Web Application Development In the context of Web Design and Web Development standards, there is one prevailing source of confusion; one primary element responsible for blowing the minds of beginners, and without prejudice for seasoned professionals, that their disagreement upon its proper interpretation…

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  • HTML 5: the Fate of Style, Decided?

    If you are in the habit of authoring valid, forward compatible hypertext markup, then you have probably heard rumors that the HTML element attribute style=“ ”, may be deprecated in HTML 5. The style=“ ” attribute is a valid attribute of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0, and according to the HTML 5 draft in progress, style=”” will maintain its place as…

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  • Create Icon-Size Images. Export .ICO Format.

    [ note: the following article is incomplete ]Intended Audience: Note: Experience, though indicated above to describe a recommended audience, must not be misunderstood to imply an exclusive purpose for the resource. The classification is provided to express the author’s expectation regarding what the article has to offer, in very general terms, to give readers an…

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  • Choosing a DOCTYPE: XHTML vs. HTML

    Aww, man! Not another lame blog entry…on the issue of HTML vs XHTML <!DOCTYPE>! Not only are there ten billion articles the same, it’s a really annoying topic, isn’t it? Ha! Well, I must admit, this most recent time I’ve come across another myself, I decided to read it, and I did gain a little insight into…

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  • TSW phpCoder 2008 Beta Released

    Before you follow the link below, I hope you’ll take a moment to think about your answer to the following questions: If you answered ‘ Yes! ’ to any of those questions, then hurry over to tsware.net and download PHP Coder 2008 (available for Windows). At the time of writing this entry, the software had…

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  • A Little Taste of Inspiration

    Like all widely-used programming languages, PHP has the very useful ability to read data from, and write data to, files on the system. But the language doesn’t just stop there – PHP comes with a full-featured file-and-directory-manipulation API that allows you (among other things) to view and modify file attributes, read and list directory contents,…

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  • CSS Level 2The @import ruleW3C Recommendation

    CSS Level 2
    The @import rule
    W3C Recommendation

    The following is an excerpt from the W3C Recommendation, CSS Level 2 Working Draft as presented in Rijk’s Panelizer, an educational resource panel available for the Opera Browser User Agent (as of Opera 8, and probably earlier as well). I have taken the liberty to paraphrase, and re-structure some of the original text (which i appropriated directly…

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