Line Breaks: More than a Handfull
See also: Cutting Lines If you have any experience in programming, or even in simply writing HTML markup, you have probably come across the need to use a specified Line Break Control Character. It can be confusing as to when and where one should be used over the other. ASCII(1) One of the all-time-most-common standards…
CSS and PHP: Working with a Dynamic Style Sheet
Have you ever wanted your CSS to respond differently depending upon your page content? It is possible to have interplay between PHP and CSS. If you want to try using CSS and PHP together, here are a few simple suggestions to get you going: STEP ONE: The html: In this technique for integrating Dynamic CSS,…
Who needs markup when you’ve got bitchin’ graphics!?
There’s nothing quite like good clean design– artistic design crafted by a skilled, talented artist. The best examples of good design in web publishing have an affect on the viewer, not in an obvious way, but such that the he or she is drawn to the page content. In the most remarkably successful use of…
Score “Outstanding” in your Penmanship: a look at Code Style
More info about Coding Style Standards. have you ever wondered what is best practice in keeping your code consistent, not only w/ yourself, but w/ others in the industry? ever wondered what’s best for a function bracket, or what to do when a closing bracket is going to have an “else” clause? This Note is logged…
the Doepud Show : Code they Say is Made in U.K.
I opened my inbox to the pleasant surprise of the arrival of my August ’06 edition of the Doepd web design (Glasgow, U.K.) mailing list. I stumbled upon Doepud several months ago to find what i believe to be, of all of the web sites that i recall throughout my research– research in web design,…
A Little Taste of Inspiration
Like all widely-used programming languages, PHP has the very useful ability to read data from, and write data to, files on the system. But the language doesn’t just stop there – PHP comes with a full-featured file-and-directory-manipulation API that allows you (among other things) to view and modify file attributes, read and list directory contents,…
Fedora Core RPM Repos: Dependency Resolution Solution
below is an excerpt from a widely referenced, highly regarded website, stanton-finley.net which explains that the RPMforge collection should not be used at the same time as the Livna RPM’s are being accessed. As a new Linux user who’s had a pretty smooth go of it so far, i highly recommend that you research this…
OOP in PHP Primer: Get your First Taste of Classes, Constructors, and Methods
Are you a PHP programmer who is yet foreign to the concept of Object Oriented Programming? Are you looking for an article, or tutorial to recommend to a friend so he or she might become better acquainted with the OOP style? If so, I know a very nice little article which I recommend for getting the…
WHENU and Save! – Paying for some ‘FREE’ Software
I wrote this article about six months ago. I saved it as a draft because I didn’t want to make remark upon the incident while i was influenced so heavily by emotion. I wanted put some space between my otherwise rational judgment, and the feelings of anger, disappointment, and shame which i felt so strongly…