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WP C – Temp

  • Paamayim Nekudotayim: Straying from Convention with Hebrew

    What can be said for the PHP authors who chose to use the term Paamayim Nekudotayim to describe one of the programming language’s operators? More often than not, when we of the “Western Civilization” need to come up with a term to describe something, such as a new Mathematical or Algebraic Forumla, an element of…

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  • Internet Streaming Radio for Media Player Classic

    NOTE: Added Winamp Playlists to the zip file i’ve collected a list of high-quality (meaning, fairly high-bandwidth / high bitrate — however you wish to classify it…) streaming internet radio. Just click here and download the .zip file which contains a simple text file (i used the .ini extension to help you recognize the proper…

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  • Internet Streaming Radio
    for Media Player Classic

    NOTE: Added Winamp Playlists to the zip file i’ve collected a list of high-quality (meaning, fairly high-bandwidth / high bitrate — however you wish to classify it…) streaming internet radio. Just click here and download the .zip file which contains a simple text file (i used the .ini extension to help you recognize the proper…

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  • Google Reader: a Quest for the Delicious!

    Two of my favorite new things are RSS & / or Atom aggregation, and http://del.icio.us — the “Social Bookmarking” mega-site. Yes, i’m going through the “i just discovered how damn cool syndication can be!” phase, so i’m all about posting Social Bookmarks with commentary on anything and everything that sparks my interest in regard to…

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