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WP C – Temp

  • CSS and PHP: Working with a Dynamic Style Sheet

    Have you ever wanted your CSS to respond differently depending upon your page content? It is possible to have interplay between PHP and CSS. If you want to try using CSS and PHP together, here are a few simple suggestions to get you going: STEP ONE: The html: In this technique for integrating Dynamic CSS,…

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  • Does this Framework “work”? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS

    i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of…

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  • Does this Framework "work"? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS

    i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of…

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  • PHP Eclipse – How to install the Ulitimate IDE for Linux

    This particular Note is much in the spirit of my original (formerly known as) Web Developers’ Pocket Reference. Fortunately for Linux users, Adam Stokes, of http://astokes.org wrote a very nice step by step tutorial for how-to install PHPEclipse on Fedora Core 5 (a Linux distribution). Mr stokes has titled his article, Web development on Fedora…

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  • OOP in PHP Primer: Get your First Taste of Classes, Constructors, and Methods

    Are you a PHP programmer who is yet foreign to the concept of Object Oriented Programming? Are you looking for an article, or tutorial to recommend to a friend so he or she might become better acquainted with the OOP style? If so, I know a very nice little article which I recommend for getting the…

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  • need to increase the height of a layout column <div> ?

    For about a year now, the stylistic quality of my own original html compositions has been handled by the incredibly versatile stylistic design, and layout options afforded by Cascading Stylesheets (though it seems much longer than that!). A proponent of universally accessible design, and advocate of web standards, valid, logically structured XHTML and CSS code,…

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  • PHP Variable Handling: isset() and empty()

    PHP Variable Handling: isset() and empty()

    i’ve probably learned more important and practical information about PHP development from phpbuilder dot com than anywhere else. that’s not to say that other resources aren’t as good, i’m just saying that, when it came down to trying my first few bits of conditional logic, or my first run-in with header(), PHPBuilder.com happens to be where i’ve learned much of…

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  • MySQL SET Data Type

    MySQL SET Data Type

    The following is an excerpt from an article i have referenced numerous times myself from the original source at MySQL : AB (the official MySQL developer zone, located at http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/). The SET datatype is kind of like an ENUM, except there’s an option to pick groups of items as a reply, instead of only one…

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  • Paamayim Nekudotayim: Straying from Convention with Hebrew

    What can be said for the PHP authors who chose to use the term Paamayim Nekudotayim to describe one of the programming language’s operators? More often than not, when we of the “Western Civilization” need to come up with a term to describe something, such as a new Mathematical or Algebraic Forumla, an element of…

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  • PHP5 as a CGI binary

    Unable to install PHP5 and Apache on one of my Windows boxes (for reasons i have yet to realize) i decided to go w/ PHP5 on IIS (my first real use of IIS for development). First off, i’d like to say that i ‘hate’ IIS as compared to Apache2. It’s just not friendly, but then…

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