Up-to-date articles will return when migration completes. Meanwhile viewing an old database.

WP C – Temp

  • Adminer – phpMinAdmin – phpMyAdmin

    Adminer – phpMinAdmin – phpMyAdmin

    Have you ever found yourself irritated by the time it takes phpMyAdmin to perform functions, or even load? If you need to quickly check your database, you might find the one-page PHP file application, Adminer, for administration of you MySQL / Maria DB is the solution for you. Adminer has a simple interface that loads…

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  • Open PHP in Browser: WSL

    Open PHP in Browser: WSL

    I develop mostly in PHP, so it makes sense that I have the Open PHP/HTML/JS In Browser installed in my vscode-worspace. One thing I haven’t been able to get it to do however is open a browser from the Windows when using an SSH or WSL connection. However, you can install Midori on WSL, and…

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  • PHP utf8_encode – RSS Feed with ISO-8859-1

    PHP utf8_encode – RSS Feed with ISO-8859-1

    Finding myself annoyed at an RSS feed which was being rendered with the incorrect character encoding, I searched for the proper way to correct the output. I’m sure there are other ways to do it, but the following worked for me. Using MagpieRSS, i’ve fetched the RSS feed and prepared it for output using a…

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  • PHP Code Compatibility Repair Part 1

    PHP Code Compatibility Repair Part 1

    PHP 5.3 deprecated ereg_replace() repair coming soon!… PHP 5.2 and Earilier (versions < 5.3) Code Problems As PHP matures, and new versions are released, one thing I’ve noticed is consistent: deprecated language constructs, built-in PHP funtions, and various favourite code snippets throw warnings– or worse– errors, even the so-called production environment. It’s beyond the purpose…

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  • Geany: a Fast & Lightweight IDE / Text Editor

    Note:This article was originally composed at the year’s end, 2007, so I ask the reader consider how much software can change, and improve dramatically– even over the course of a few weeks– with user feedback generating updates.Geany, as we know it today, has improved far beyond the description here, but the article is still relevant…

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  • Tanggaard Software to Release PHP Editor

    Tanggaard Software to Release PHP Editor

    Tanggaard Software, otherwise known as TSW, or tsware.net, has announced the forthcoming release of phpCoder 2008 Forthcoming PHP IDE: TSW phpCoder 2008 According to Tanggaard Software‘s Kasper Tanggaard: …[phpCoder 2008] will come with a nice set of features … based around writing PHP code. … You will see [elements familiar from] WebCoder [the TSW web…

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  • Monitor Values Assigned to PHP Local Scope Variables and GLOBALS by Step Debugging with XDebug in TSW phpCoder 2008

    Tanggaard Software, otherwise known as TSW, or tsware.net, has announced the forthcoming release of phpCoder 2008 Forthcoming PHP IDE: TSW phpCoder 2008 According to Tanggaard Software‘s Kasper Tanggaard: …[phpCoder 2008] will come with a nice set of features … based around writing PHP code. … You will see [elements familiar from] WebCoder [the TSW web…

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  • PHP String Variables: To Quote… or Double Quote?

    …that is the question. Oftentimes i find myself faced with a situation wherein I must decide whether to use PHP’s single or double quotes. If you’re not aware of it by now, then you should STOP everything and go learn a bit about the differences between the two: a single-quoted string, vs a double-quoted string–…

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  • PHP _SERVER Variables

    PHP _SERVER Variables

    If you’re considering the use of PHP Server Environment Variables in your web application, but you are not certain which $_SERVER variable will produce the information you need, you are not alone. It’s not uncommon for the PHP web application developer to cross reference $_SERVER variable data during the development process. Busting the Myth of…

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  • Create a Sidebar Panel of your Favourite Web Site

    Easily create a custom sidebar of your choice (aka. browser panel, sidebar panel, or opera hotlist) for your web browser. Try it. It’s very easy, so go check it out!

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