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  • Limiting Matches: Regular Expression Negation

    Limiting Matches: Regular Expression Negation

    One of the most powerful means of finding a specific bit of text is through the use of a regular expression capable search, as is typically available in any advanced text editor. A simple but powerful way to find specific text can be through through the use of Regular Expression Negation. For the purpose of…

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  • PHP Code Compatibility Repair Part 1

    PHP Code Compatibility Repair Part 1

    PHP 5.3 deprecated ereg_replace() repair coming soon!… PHP 5.2 and Earilier (versions < 5.3) Code Problems As PHP matures, and new versions are released, one thing I’ve noticed is consistent: deprecated language constructs, built-in PHP funtions, and various favourite code snippets throw warnings– or worse– errors, even the so-called production environment. It’s beyond the purpose…

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  • Lubuntu Linux, MooEdit, and Aptitude

    Lubuntu Linux, MooEdit, and Aptitude

    Currently, I use the Lubuntu branch of Ubuntu, which is itself a particular flavour of the Debian distribution of Linux†. In my opinion, for keeping track of these easily confused, so-called Linux Distributions, it’s might be least confusing to look upon any O/S bearing the suffix “buntu” (i.e. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, Mythbuntu, etc.) as…

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