Do as the Pros Do: Learn by Example!
Responsible Appropriation: I am an advocate of learning from others by observing the mastery of their work. Surely something can be learned by attempting to emulate a work of art, and oftentimes– throughout history– it has even been considered an effort of flattery. Role Model Candidates: Yahoo! Widgets Deep purples and Lush Green/Blue colors. Black…
PHP _SERVER Variables
If you’re considering the use of PHP Server Environment Variables in your web application, but you are not certain which $_SERVER variable will produce the information you need, you are not alone. It’s not uncommon for the PHP web application developer to cross reference $_SERVER variable data during the development process. Busting the Myth of…
Line Breaks: More than a Handfull
See also: Cutting Lines If you have any experience in programming, or even in simply writing HTML markup, you have probably come across the need to use a specified Line Break Control Character. It can be confusing as to when and where one should be used over the other. ASCII(1) One of the all-time-most-common standards…
Quest for the Ultimate Dynamic Web Site Framework
Ever since i first began working with the basic template i (poorly) describe elsewhere here in this journal, i have been trying different things to perfect it. Today, I made a small breakthrough. As can be seen at one of my experimental web sites,
CSS and PHP: Working with a Dynamic Style Sheet
Have you ever wanted your CSS to respond differently depending upon your page content? It is possible to have interplay between PHP and CSS. If you want to try using CSS and PHP together, here are a few simple suggestions to get you going: STEP ONE: The html: In this technique for integrating Dynamic CSS,…
Who needs markup when you’ve got bitchin’ graphics!?
There’s nothing quite like good clean design– artistic design crafted by a skilled, talented artist. The best examples of good design in web publishing have an affect on the viewer, not in an obvious way, but such that the he or she is drawn to the page content. In the most remarkably successful use of…
Score “Outstanding” in your Penmanship: a look at Code Style
More info about Coding Style Standards. have you ever wondered what is best practice in keeping your code consistent, not only w/ yourself, but w/ others in the industry? ever wondered what’s best for a function bracket, or what to do when a closing bracket is going to have an “else” clause? This Note is logged…
Does this Framework “work”? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS
i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of…
Does this Framework "work"? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS
i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of…