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WP C – Temp

  • Does this Framework “work”? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS

    i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of…

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  • CDATA : When, Where, (why) and How to use it in XHTML

    References to, and specifications of CDATA can be seen all throughout the W3C Recommendations– especially in Standardized Generalized Markup Language, the Markup Language from which HTML itself is derived (SGML is a descriptive markup for the structure of a computer document – therefore, since HTML is itself a Structural Markup, we can conclude that HTML…

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  • Standard Typeface – Accessible Design

    the Browser-safe Fonts Sidebar Panel Before adding this quick-reference bookmark to your browser, you can preview the contents of the font-family cheat sheet in a new window. NOTE: If you’re looking for just the right font for your web site, use the custom text tool at the bottom of the cheat sheet panel. It’s simple…

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  • Unlikely Reference for Web Standards Resources

    Unlikely Reference for Web Standards Resources

    While looking for one of my particular favored HTML entities references, it occurred to me that www.bigbaer.com, as an Urban Music magazine might otherwise be an unlikely resource for web developers, but it happens to have a very nice section on web standards, accessibility, and in particular, a very nicely formatted HTML entities reference– available…

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  • need to increase the height of a layout column <div> ?

    For about a year now, the stylistic quality of my own original html compositions has been handled by the incredibly versatile stylistic design, and layout options afforded by Cascading Stylesheets (though it seems much longer than that!). A proponent of universally accessible design, and advocate of web standards, valid, logically structured XHTML and CSS code,…

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  • BLOCKQUOTE: Are you really quoting someone?

    BLOCKQUOTE: Are you really quoting someone?

    As XHTML becomes more and more prevalent, and web developers adhere to W3C guidelines to migrate to XHTML as the compliant, standardized source-code which should be used in web sites to promote accessibility, we must be aware of the elements we use in our markup.Let’s take a look at <BLOCKQUOTE> for example. As stated in the W3C…

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  • CSS 2.1 (W3C Working Draft) 6.4
    !Important; and the Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints

    the following is an excerpt from the Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification which appears in the Panelizer, a convenient package of resources, available FREE in a .zip archive, and downloadable via Rijk‘s handy link (Rijk is a well known, and credible People.Opera.com user and author).This is not the complete text from the original…

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  • A Compiled List — on short notice and little time…

    Stuff i wanted to log real quick before signing off, and before my head hits the keyboard; yet again my glasses fall to the floor… I thought this sounded like pretty good advice, so i’m passing it on to you! Five Steps to Good Blogging Newsome.Org – The “real reason” – Why Blogging is [difficult]…

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  • Understanding CSS:
    Syntax and Basic Data Types

    The Following excerpt is borrowed directly from the W3C CSS 2.1 Specification: Ch. 4 Syntax and basic data types. It has been modified from the original code only in that relative paths have been changed to absolute URL’s. Rather than cite specific sections of Ch 4, i thought it best to leave it open to case-by-case…

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  • Dynamic-Outlines (e.g. :focus {outline:color}) | CSS 2.1 Spec: W3C

    Much like the border property, the outline property will create a line surrounding the element— however, the main remarkable difference is that Outline unlike border does not take up screen real-estate (it doesn’t cause the ‘outlined element’ to get wider and taller as would adding a border property. 18.4 Dynamic outlines: the ‘outline’ property At…

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