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WP C – Temp

  • Reflections upon wishing to Get-back

    Blog: a Noun; a Verb Depending upon the topic, how technical the details, and the purpose of the text, I recognize that the inspiration behind writing and the discipline of refining it are not necessarily equal means to the same end. As the former is required before the latter can take place, I hope to…

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  • Habari Blog: Innovation vs Integration

    Habari – A Web Log Framework Habari is a relatively new PHP web log application, yet it comes with a built-in sense of experience, security, stability, and community. A key, attractive aspect of Habari, the blogware, is the development team leaders’ promise of a ground-up approach to the very core of the dynamic web log…

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  • How to Cite a URL Source : In-line (as part of the paragraph content)

    I couldn’t think of a better place to learn how to cite an html source, or specifically, a URL, than to go to the Wikipedia. the Wikipedia page on Citing Sources [in HTML] is quite useful– but take care to notice that they are also indicating specifically how to cite sources using the Wikipedia software,…

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