PHP String Variables: To Quote… or Double Quote?
…that is the question. Oftentimes i find myself faced with a situation wherein I must decide whether to use PHP’s single or double quotes. If you’re not aware of it by now, then you should STOP everything and go learn a bit about the differences between the two: a single-quoted string, vs a double-quoted string–…
Line Breaks: More than a Handfull
See also: Cutting Lines If you have any experience in programming, or even in simply writing HTML markup, you have probably come across the need to use a specified Line Break Control Character. It can be confusing as to when and where one should be used over the other. ASCII(1) One of the all-time-most-common standards…
Score “Outstanding” in your Penmanship: a look at Code Style
More info about Coding Style Standards. have you ever wondered what is best practice in keeping your code consistent, not only w/ yourself, but w/ others in the industry? ever wondered what’s best for a function bracket, or what to do when a closing bracket is going to have an “else” clause? This Note is logged…
CDATA : When, Where, (why) and How to use it in XHTML
References to, and specifications of CDATA can be seen all throughout the W3C Recommendations– especially in Standardized Generalized Markup Language, the Markup Language from which HTML itself is derived (SGML is a descriptive markup for the structure of a computer document – therefore, since HTML is itself a Structural Markup, we can conclude that HTML…