Responsible Appropriation:
I am an advocate of learning from others by observing the mastery of their work. Surely something can be learned by attempting to emulate a work of art, and oftentimes– throughout history– it has even been considered an effort of flattery.
Role Model Candidates:
- Yahoo! Widgets
- Deep purples and Lush Green/Blue colors. Black “Toolbars” w/ high-contrasted white text. It’s “Late 90’s” meets Now in a very tasteful, beautiful design.
the Small Things
There’s nothing worse than having too much stuff for your viewers to read. (okay– i suppose it depends upon precisely what context– for example, if you’re writing an encyclopedia, or other reference material, then perhaps you do want a lot of stuff. but that’s not what we’re talking about here, …and you know it, Marge!
List of “Minimalist Web Sites”
- Mandriva – Linux Operating System
Observe anything familiar about the Mandriva start page?
It’s getting things done. Li’l bit of style but the content is definitely the emphasis. Lots of content here
- XFCE – Linux Desktop Environment
- Nice and Clean, yet a bit more stylish than
If all else fails, remember the old cliche…
Good poets borrow. Great poets steal.
regular updates planned for this resource. comments and submissions are encouraged