If you like to save your ChatGPT sessions from view source, but don’t want it to include all of that extra, uless HTML…
Finding myself annoyed at an RSS feed which was being rendered with the incorrect character encoding, I searched for the proper way to correct the output. I’m sure there are other ways to do it, but the following worked for me. Using MagpieRSS, i’ve fetched the RSS feed and prepared it for output using a…
Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols and their corresponding Numerical Character Reference (NCR). Install the font for full coverage.
Have a look at the HTML at the example resource. Using the power of regular expressions, I was able to re-write the HTML in a matter of minutes, to arrive at a more programmer-friendly, potentially more viewer-friendly; an over-all more user-friendly document. Attached is an image of the resulting HTML, shown from within Annie DeBrowsa,…
May the following entertain you, assist you, or further develop your opinion. UPDATE: This isn’t working as i’d hoped. Anyone with experience in publicly editable Google spreadsheets, please lend your advice. What is it? A calculator I made using a spreadsheet, years ago, which I find is useful in determining certain calculations with efficiency, for…
Aww, man! Not another lame blog entry…on the issue of HTML vs XHTML <!DOCTYPE>! Not only are there ten billion articles the same, it’s a really annoying topic, isn’t it? Ha! Well, I must admit, this most recent time I’ve come across another myself, I decided to read it, and I did gain a little insight into…
Colorzilla is a Mozilla browser add-on extension compatible with Firefox and Chrome. It provides extensive DOM node details in the browser statusbar, and is capable of sampling any color on the current page– including colors from images. When I first discovered it a couple of years ago, I was amazed at the capabilities of Colorzilla
…that is the question. Oftentimes i find myself faced with a situation wherein I must decide whether to use PHP’s single or double quotes. If you’re not aware of it by now, then you should STOP everything and go learn a bit about the differences between the two: a single-quoted string, vs a double-quoted string–…
This is just a place where I keep notes. So I have a reference. The notes are the same regardless of my location.
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