WordPress FSE post_type Content Types
If you’re working with WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE), you’ll eventually discover that much of the magic is stored in the wp_post table of the database. Identify what is stored in the table relevant to FSE by the value of the post_type column. Use the following SQL to return a list of the unique post_type…
WordPress Function Test get_option()
The following bit of code can be placed in your theme’s functions.php file to see a report of the values returned by the WordPress Core native funtion, get_option(); I knew I had this snippet lying around for precisely this purpose. I wanted to know how to get the id of the current theme dynamically, which…
Things and Stuff
I realize the URLs on this site are not correct. This happened yesterday after configuration of some plugins. Not sure what happened. I don’t feel like fixing it at the moment. Old friend passed away yesterday. Among other things, I just don’t feel like messing with this website right now. I’ll fix it soon. R.I.P.…
Christopher Jordan, Electric Bass
I realize the URLs on this site are not correct. This happened yesterday after configuration of some plugins. Not sure what happened. I don’t feel like fixing it at the moment. Old friend passed away yesterday. Among other things, I just don’t feel like messing with this website right now. I’ll fix it soon. R.I.P.…
WordPress.org New Look
Check out WordPress.org’s new website style. The URL says test so I expect it to change but here’s what they have so far.
Digging in to WordPress Block Themes
Enter if you dare. This article is all kinds of disjointed and out of order. But, it’s getting there. We’re digging alright. Like Peter Gabriel. C’mon in.
WordPress Custom Taxonomies: Display In Block Editor
Nick Diego focuses on how to utilize the object oriented programming approach to solving the problem of taxonomy relationships by implementing what I believe is the essence of modern WordPress coding standards.
The Web Developer Job Search
Shared here are 10 questions which were presented to me as part of a pre-interview evaluation. These questions might you might help you to refresh your memory, should you be active in your own search for employment.