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WP C – Temp

  • Scalable Content: Dynamic Bookmarks and Sub-Categories

    Suppose i want to create a single page on a web site for the sole purpose of managing bookmarks relevant to the subject matter of the web site itself. Any such page, due to the potential for several categories, might become quite a vast collection of entries, because there could be several top-level categories, and…

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  • Internet Streaming Radio for Media Player Classic

    NOTE: Added Winamp Playlists to the zip file i’ve collected a list of high-quality (meaning, fairly high-bandwidth / high bitrate — however you wish to classify it…) streaming internet radio. Just click here and download the .zip file which contains a simple text file (i used the .ini extension to help you recognize the proper…

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  • PHP: Manual Installation on Windows Systems

    RE: php-5.1.2-Win32.zip In the past, on a few different Windows XP systems, I have installed PHP as an Apache module, and i’ve been thrilled by achieving a functional Apache / PHP configuration without having to troubleshoot as i simply never experienced any problems with the installations. However, on this particular XP setup, Apache and PHP…

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  • mod_perl: Installation Failure (however difficult to assess)

    Lacking the knowledge previous to this day’s endeavor, in an ultimate attempt to develop ASP on an existing Apache2 installation, i researched the options and my searching pointed to – mod_perl. What I installed the file named Perl-5.8-win32-bin-0.10.exe , a rather complex, self-extracting, “automatic” installation process. I probably would have had more success had I…

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  • XSS Preparedness & a Friendly Programmer’s Advice

    PHP Input Validation Flaw in Certain Error Pages as reported on Security Tracker dotCom, and other such news always raises my ears because I have been the victim of Cross Site Scripting myself. I have also been the victim of other hacks related to my own lack of security precautions, so tend to review alerts such as…

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  • Keep your paws off of my mail()!

    Keep your paws off of my mail()!

    Here I have a prime example of a situation in which, although my application may function just fine on its own, for security reasons, it needs some extra support. Why does the ‘contact form’ above need support in order to be secure?It is essential to protect the hosting server from anonymous mail() usage by random…

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