The Web Developer Job Search
Shared here are 10 questions which were presented to me as part of a pre-interview evaluation. These questions might you might help you to refresh your memory, should you be active in your own search for employment.
Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols – HTML NCR’s
Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols and their corresponding Numerical Character Reference (NCR). Install the font for full coverage.
Graphic Design Samples
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phpMyAdmin: Administer that Database!
For those of you who have not yet checked-out the latest release (release candidate, at time of posting) of phpMyAdmin, the PHP front-end for MySQL database administration, I highly recommend you give it a go. It seems to be all of what v3 was trying to do, except perfect (near perfect– apparently– as it’s only…
HTML Improved Using Simple CSS and Proper Elements
Have a look at the HTML at the example resource. Using the power of regular expressions, I was able to re-write the HTML in a matter of minutes, to arrive at a more programmer-friendly, potentially more viewer-friendly; an over-all more user-friendly document. Attached is an image of the resulting HTML, shown from within Annie DeBrowsa,…
ActiveState Komodo .js Macro API: Open Selection
Open file at cursor selection using the following JavaScript code to manipulate the JavaScript Macro API of ActiveState’s Komodo Edit advanced text editor.
What we Talk About When we Talk About CSS
May the following entertain you, assist you, or further develop your opinion. UPDATE: This isn’t working as i’d hoped. Anyone with experience in publicly editable Google spreadsheets, please lend your advice. What is it? A calculator I made using a spreadsheet, years ago, which I find is useful in determining certain calculations with efficiency, for…
PHP Code Compatibility Repair Part 1
PHP 5.3 deprecated ereg_replace() repair coming soon!… PHP 5.2 and Earilier (versions < 5.3) Code Problems As PHP matures, and new versions are released, one thing I’ve noticed is consistent: deprecated language constructs, built-in PHP funtions, and various favourite code snippets throw warnings– or worse– errors, even the so-called production environment. It’s beyond the purpose…
Negative Lookahead Regular Expression
Learn how to use lookahead regular expressions. This regex syntax features a negative lookahead expression.