Filter BASH find results using -prune and grep Linux + WSL
You might think, “prune xyz from my path”, but that’s actually not it. It’s more like, “take this [path] and -prune it”. In other words, think like the old lady: decide and identify what you want to have pruned, then say: “okay, it’s [this path] that i don’t like! Now prune it!” That is, talk…
SEO Small Enterprise Viewpoint
In the realm of small enterprises where resources are limited, a systematic approach to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is necessary to ensure online visibility is maximized and sustainable growth is maintained. Follow this structured, step-by-step guide on how to efficiently manage SEO within your small business: SEO In Preparation: To effectively leverage the vast amount…
Website X5
If you’re looking for a really nice site builder, be sure to check out Website X5! It’s a great solution for someone who’s looking for an all-in-one solution, including ability to setup an account and host your site. A one-stop solution for your needs with very little coding knowledge needed.
Step by Step Guide: Install WordPress with NGINX
Follow these easy step-by-step instructions as a guide for setting up a LEMP server on Windows WSL or LInux.
Adminer – phpMinAdmin – phpMyAdmin
Have you ever found yourself irritated by the time it takes phpMyAdmin to perform functions, or even load? If you need to quickly check your database, you might find the one-page PHP file application, Adminer, for administration of you MySQL / Maria DB is the solution for you. Adminer has a simple interface that loads…
VS Code – code-workspace settings
Create and save to code-workspace settings your file, user directories and extensions, so preferences are available everywhere you install VS Code.
Open PHP in Browser: WSL
I develop mostly in PHP, so it makes sense that I have the Open PHP/HTML/JS In Browser installed in my vscode-worspace. One thing I haven’t been able to get it to do however is open a browser from the Windows when using an SSH or WSL connection. However, you can install Midori on WSL, and…
WSL Web Dev
What files and folders remain after a Windows reset is completed? Microsoft tells me I have the option to keep my files but delete my apps when I reset.
Gone (? but not Forgotten)
An inspiration, or a starting place for your next big idea or project! Clearly, they were big projects for those who created them!