Dynamic Text with SVG and Custom Fonts
This article delves into a novel web design technique integrated into a well-established PHP project that I initiated 15 years ago. It explores the dynamic generation of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), specifically an SVG text element where the text is not hard coded into the page but dynamically generated by PHP. This so-called dynamic SVG concept…
‘Cause i Dun(&B) Lost M[aeiouy] Damn Mind
Yep. Anyway, “I was just tellin’ these guys!” She said: added like 854 packages in 33s like 70 packages are looking for fundingrun npm fund for detailsflux@mx23:~$ cd /var/www/htmlflux@mx23:/var/www/html$ vue create my-project Vue CLI v5.0.8? Please pick a preset: Default ([Vue 3] babel, eslint)? Pick the package manager to use when installing dependencies: NPM Vue…
CSS Crib Sheet – Accessibility Mnemonics
Remember the CSS Prayer that your mother taught you as a child? All of your CSS Stylesheet rules of thumb are here, complete with mnemonics!
Website X5
If you’re looking for a really nice site builder, be sure to check out Website X5! It’s a great solution for someone who’s looking for an all-in-one solution, including ability to setup an account and host your site. A one-stop solution for your needs with very little coding knowledge needed.
WordPress.org New Look
Check out WordPress.org’s new website style. The URL says test so I expect it to change but here’s what they have so far.
AI and Image Transformation
Check out this article at Wolfram-Alpha. Using AI and a huge database of images, you can do some pretty cool stuff. Also, Wolfram-Alpha has an extensive amount of useful resources worth checking out when you’re done with this: AdaIN-Style – Wolfram Neural Net Repository (wolframcloud.com) At GitHub
Digging in to WordPress Block Themes
Enter if you dare. This article is all kinds of disjointed and out of order. But, it’s getting there. We’re digging alright. Like Peter Gabriel. C’mon in.
CSS Optimizer (CSSO): Eliminate the Redundant
CSS-Wow! You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been looking for this very tool. It’s just so super cool, I love it. I’m going to go through all of my CSS files and process them through CSSO, the CSS Optimizer! Do you suffer from redundant CSS? Do you have unused CSS Selectors and duplicate CSS declaration…
Typography Tools
Recently I’ve discovered some really nice tools for matching fonts, typeface, typography. Links inside.