FreeCommander Replace Windows Explorer
Edit your registry so FreeCommander opens filesystem links, instead of the native Windows Explorer by creating a .reg file. Open Control Panel.
Edit your registry so FreeCommander opens filesystem links, instead of the native Windows Explorer by creating a .reg file. Open Control Panel.
One of the most powerful means of finding a specific bit of text is through the use of a regular expression capable search, as is typically available in any advanced text editor. A simple but powerful way to find specific text can be through through the use of Regular Expression Negation. For the purpose of…
For those of you who have not yet checked-out the latest release (release candidate, at time of posting) of phpMyAdmin, the PHP front-end for MySQL database administration, I highly recommend you give it a go. It seems to be all of what v3 was trying to do, except perfect (near perfect– apparently– as it’s only…
Microsoft PowerShell Sith Lord Jedi Smasher
Yeah, yeah– it’s old news by now, right? Everyone is using Google’s new e-mail system G-Mail. Cool, right? We get a ton of free space, and we never have to delete messages, and the spam filters are better than any other i’ve ever used. I can even use my G-Mail id for Instant Messages– without…
This is just a place where I keep notes. So I have a reference. The notes are the same regardless of my location.
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