Appreciating the Value of Linux
Reflecting on what it means to possess the skill for Linux administration and daily use as a friendly desktop operating system appreciating the value of Linux
Reflecting on what it means to possess the skill for Linux administration and daily use as a friendly desktop operating system appreciating the value of Linux
I keep a backup of it on a USB drive, but I copy it over to the new C: drive as soon as I finish installing any Windows updates, and enabling my Cloud Storage.
Open file at cursor selection using the following JavaScript code to manipulate the JavaScript Macro API of ActiveState’s Komodo Edit advanced text editor.
Currently, I use the Lubuntu branch of Ubuntu, which is itself a particular flavour of the Debian distribution of Linux†. In my opinion, for keeping track of these easily confused, so-called Linux Distributions, it’s might be least confusing to look upon any O/S bearing the suffix “buntu” (i.e. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, Mythbuntu, etc.) as…
MyCustom File Dialogue – #2 in the recent top-discoveries Fix your open / save dialog by using TweakUI, a Windows PowerToy available at Microsoft dotCom. NOTE: Rumor has it that sometimes Tweak-UI is unavailable at the M$ resource, so you may want to check places like MajorGeeks, Softpedia, or just a simple Google Search, of…
RE: In the past, on a few different Windows XP systems, I have installed PHP as an Apache module, and i’ve been thrilled by achieving a functional Apache / PHP configuration without having to troubleshoot as i simply never experienced any problems with the installations. However, on this particular XP setup, Apache and PHP…
Lacking the knowledge previous to this day’s endeavor, in an ultimate attempt to develop ASP on an existing Apache2 installation, i researched the options and my searching pointed to – mod_perl. What I installed the file named Perl-5.8-win32-bin-0.10.exe , a rather complex, self-extracting, “automatic” installation process. I probably would have had more success had I…
This is just a place where I keep notes. So I have a reference. The notes are the same regardless of my location.
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