Runlevel 3 to Runlevel 5
sysVinit I presume. I’m sorry about the brain damage where there’s just chunks missing for some reason. I’ll get it. But this is important to know, I do recall that much!😀 It may even sound crazy to Linux users who were not introduced to a Linux Desktop Environment prior to the release of Ubuntu (a…
Chmod : What Them Numbers Mean
Chmod who? Bash in what? What these numbers mean, yo?
Filter BASH find results using -prune and grep Linux + WSL
You might think, “prune xyz from my path”, but that’s actually not it. It’s more like, “take this [path] and -prune it”. In other words, think like the old lady: decide and identify what you want to have pruned, then say: “okay, it’s [this path] that i don’t like! Now prune it!” That is, talk…
VIM and Me. I am He
Assuming you know the story about why VI / VIM uses offset home keys (i guess that’s not the best way to put it. More about that here if you wish.), I think I came up with the real reason why I don’t like VIM, or at least why I choose not to use it.…
Appreciating the Value of Linux
Reflecting on what it means to possess the skill for Linux administration and daily use as a friendly desktop operating system appreciating the value of Linux
Step by Step Guide: Install WordPress with NGINX
Follow these easy step-by-step instructions as a guide for setting up a LEMP server on Windows WSL or LInux.
WSL Web Dev
What files and folders remain after a Windows reset is completed? Microsoft tells me I have the option to keep my files but delete my apps when I reset.
Linux BASH commands
Know what you need? Other than a million doll hairs. You need to check out the web site ExplainShell.com . Super useful resource for linux users which let’s you enter commands just like you would in BASH and it processes it for you. Instead of executing the commands, it explains to you in detail– based…
The Web Developer Job Search
Shared here are 10 questions which were presented to me as part of a pre-interview evaluation. These questions might you might help you to refresh your memory, should you be active in your own search for employment.