Gone (? but not Forgotten)
An inspiration, or a starting place for your next big idea or project! Clearly, they were big projects for those who created them!
something that might interest you if you have your own business or want to share knowledge
StartPage – Instant Answers
If you have been using StartPage as your primary, private/ privacy search engine, then you may have noticed the Instant Answers feature as you’ve been searching but might not have even realized it. Not unlike what Google offers, StartPage Instant Answers is available on their privacy promoting platform. Check out this summary of StartPage Instant…
The Web Developer Job Search
Shared here are 10 questions which were presented to me as part of a pre-interview evaluation. These questions might you might help you to refresh your memory, should you be active in your own search for employment.
Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols – HTML NCR’s
Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols and their corresponding Numerical Character Reference (NCR). Install the font for full coverage.
Limiting Matches: Regular Expression Negation
One of the most powerful means of finding a specific bit of text is through the use of a regular expression capable search, as is typically available in any advanced text editor. A simple but powerful way to find specific text can be through through the use of Regular Expression Negation. For the purpose of…
Easy Anonymous Transfer Huge Files
WeTransfer allows gigabyte transfer.
HTML Improved Using Simple CSS and Proper Elements
Have a look at the HTML at the example resource. Using the power of regular expressions, I was able to re-write the HTML in a matter of minutes, to arrive at a more programmer-friendly, potentially more viewer-friendly; an over-all more user-friendly document. Attached is an image of the resulting HTML, shown from within Annie DeBrowsa,…
ActiveState Komodo .js Macro API: Open Selection
Open file at cursor selection using the following JavaScript code to manipulate the JavaScript Macro API of ActiveState’s Komodo Edit advanced text editor.