Eliminate Frustration in Icon Creation
Web Designers, Graphic Designers, and Graphic Art hobbyists, if during your time “ In front of the monitor ”, you’ve tried to create an icon, but found yourself unsatisfied with the results, then this article is written specifically with you in mind. What is an Icon What is an Icon? According to TheFreeDictionary.com, icon – a visual representation (of an object or…
Opera Hits Microsoft with a Bludgeoning Left Hook!
On December 13th, 2007, the Opera company, developers of the famed, ground-breaking Internet browser, Opera, pioneers in browser advancements, and original user-agent software developer to introduce web-browser users to the concept of tabbed-browsing, has filed suit against Microsoft™ in an European court of law. The suit is aimed at forcing Microsoft to un-link Internet Explorer™ as the primary Internet browser bundled…
Flip out, man!
Check out the tool at Fileformat.info which allows you to enter text into a form, and submit it to have the returned text be displayed– upside-down! Note: URL href updated 2010.02.27
Superior .GIF Alpha Transparent Support : Paint.NET Freeware
What??Who says that Graphic Design Artists, Web Designers, and Web Application Developers, must not use the PNG image format if it contains transparent, alpha channel elements?!? The sad news is, the statement is true for anyone concerned about maintaining a consistent design appearance, cross browser. If a .png image appears in the page using the…
Inkscape and the Mozilla Firefox Addon : Palette Grabber
Inkscape What is an Inkscape? If you’re asking that question, then the answer is: ‘…Inkscape is the best vector drawing software that you’ve never heard of!…’. Inkscape is a Web Standards based, Scalable Vector Graphics Illustrator with some of the most powerful features you’ll find in ANY software for designing digital imagery. Incredibly, the SVG…
Do as the Pros Do: Learn by Example!
Responsible Appropriation: I am an advocate of learning from others by observing the mastery of their work. Surely something can be learned by attempting to emulate a work of art, and oftentimes– throughout history– it has even been considered an effort of flattery. Role Model Candidates: Yahoo! Widgets Deep purples and Lush Green/Blue colors. Black…
MS Access Relationships View : MySQL Data
NOTE: This web log entry assumes that you have the software installed on your workstation: MySQL, MS Access, and phpMyAdmin MS Access as a Supplemental Development Tool I used to work a gig as Web Developer for an office in the Education College of a well-known State University. The Program Director needed a ColdFusion programmer…
Finger Lickin' Rules of Thumb
del.icio.us : smart cooking : tasty tags As far as i’m concerned, the point behind del.icio.us is to maintain a meaningful collection of tagged bookmarks– bookmarks which you’ve saved for a reason: the content is important to you. Saving a bookmark in del.icio.us is a somewhat time consuming process, however it is time well invested…