Chmod : What Them Numbers Mean
Chmod who? Bash in what? What these numbers mean, yo?
BitBucket your Atlassian, Jira!
Get your Atlassian in there before this Jira goes upside your BitBucket, boy! I dunno. There’s some good readin’ here, pa’a!Set up personal SSH keys on Windows | Bitbucket Cloud | Atlassian Support
Adminer – phpMinAdmin – phpMyAdmin
Have you ever found yourself irritated by the time it takes phpMyAdmin to perform functions, or even load? If you need to quickly check your database, you might find the one-page PHP file application, Adminer, for administration of you MySQL / Maria DB is the solution for you. Adminer has a simple interface that loads…
There must be a “correct” answer, or at least a logical reason for it. I’ve been working with RDBMS / relation database software for roughly 20 years now. While I have no formal training or degree in database administration, I certainly have studied a lot about database optimization, relationships, and theory such as normalization. This…
The Web Developer Job Search
Shared here are 10 questions which were presented to me as part of a pre-interview evaluation. These questions might you might help you to refresh your memory, should you be active in your own search for employment.