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  • CSS Crib Sheet – Accessibility Mnemonics

    CSS Crib Sheet – Accessibility Mnemonics

    Remember the CSS Prayer that your mother taught you as a child? All of your CSS Stylesheet rules of thumb are here, complete with mnemonics!

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  • The Joy of Painting

    The Joy of Painting

    I thought CSS was supposed to make global site style editing easy. I can’t change one class to get ride of that overlay? Nope. Oh, I know. I’m doing it incorrectly. I’ll learn some day. What a pain in the ass. I guess it comes down to this. What a casual user such as myself…

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  • CSS Generated Content: Revisited

    CSS Generated Content: Revisited

    first you must reference the Hex code for that character, which is #. The hex value must be further interpreted however, for CSS. Using the 6 hex digit rule, that code would look like the following property, value pair: content: “Step \000023 ” counter(section);

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  • Colorzilla: the DOM Inspector Deluxe

    Colorzilla: the DOM Inspector Deluxe

    Colorzilla is a Mozilla browser add-on extension compatible with Firefox and Chrome. It provides extensive DOM node details in the browser statusbar, and is capable of sampling any color on the current page– including colors from images. When I first discovered it a couple of years ago, I was amazed at the capabilities of Colorzilla

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  • Line Breaks: More than a Handfull

    Line Breaks: More than a Handfull

    See also: Cutting Lines If you have any experience in programming, or even in simply writing HTML markup, you have probably come across the need to use a specified Line Break Control Character. It can be confusing as to when and where one should be used over the other. ASCII(1) One of the all-time-most-common standards…

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  • CSS Level 2The @import ruleW3C Recommendation

    CSS Level 2
    The @import rule
    W3C Recommendation

    The following is an excerpt from the W3C Recommendation, CSS Level 2 Working Draft as presented in Rijk’s Panelizer, an educational resource panel available for the Opera Browser User Agent (as of Opera 8, and probably earlier as well). I have taken the liberty to paraphrase, and re-structure some of the original text (which i appropriated directly…

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