the Worst Web Sites of 2006 / 2007

I thought it might be fun to list some of the worst‡ Web Sites of recent discovery. I hope you are entertained by the following list of disappointments‡. Why compile a list of disappointments? Because, when I viewed the items listed below, what I found may have been unexpected; may have initially produced a feeling … Read more

CSS Level 2
The @import rule
W3C Recommendation


The following is an excerpt from the W3C Recommendation, CSS Level 2 Working Draft as presented in Rijk’s Panelizer, an educational resource panel available for the Opera Browser User Agent (as of Opera 8, and probably earlier as well). I have taken the liberty to paraphrase, and re-structure some of the original text (which i appropriated directly … Read more

CSS 2.1 (W3C Working Draft) 6.4
!Important; and the Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints

the following is an excerpt from the Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification which appears in the Panelizer, a convenient package of resources, available FREE in a .zip archive, and downloadable via Rijk‘s handy link (Rijk is a well known, and credible user and author).This is not the complete text from the original … Read more

MySQL SET Data Type

A New Set of Solar Fireworks

The following is an excerpt from an article i have referenced numerous times myself from the original source at MySQL : AB (the official MySQL developer zone, located at The SET datatype is kind of like an ENUM, except there’s an option to pick groups of items as a reply, instead of only one … Read more

MySQL SELECT Tutorials: Simple JOIN

Here’s a nice little helpful tutorial. More Tutorials should be collected here to save time in the future as this is certainly one of the most important aspects of dynamic web application development. I believe that the true power of the Application is derived from efficiency of the SQL, the Database Normalization itself, and the logic … Read more

Windows XP – Open / Save File Dialog: Customized!

MyCustom File Dialogue – #2 in the recent top-discoveries Fix your open / save dialog by using TweakUI, a Windows PowerToy available at Microsoft dotCom. NOTE: Rumor has it that sometimes Tweak-UI is unavailable at the M$ resource, so you may want to check places like MajorGeeks, Softpedia, or just a simple Google Search, of … Read more

How to Cite a URL Source : In-line (as part of the paragraph content)

I couldn’t think of a better place to learn how to cite an html source, or specifically, a URL, than to go to the Wikipedia. the Wikipedia page on Citing Sources [in HTML] is quite useful– but take care to notice that they are also indicating specifically how to cite sources using the Wikipedia software, … Read more

Paamayim Nekudotayim: Straying from Convention with Hebrew

What can be said for the PHP authors who chose to use the term Paamayim Nekudotayim to describe one of the programming language’s operators? More often than not, when we of the “Western Civilization” need to come up with a term to describe something, such as a new Mathematical or Algebraic Forumla, an element of … Read more

Scalable Content: Dynamic Bookmarks and Sub-Categories

Suppose i want to create a single page on a web site for the sole purpose of managing bookmarks relevant to the subject matter of the web site itself. Any such page, due to the potential for several categories, might become quite a vast collection of entries, because there could be several top-level categories, and … Read more