Navigation JavaScript Bookmarklets
Use this bookmarklet to easily log in to WordPress if you don’t have an accessible login link publicly visible. I get a ton of use out of it!
Use this bookmarklet to easily log in to WordPress if you don’t have an accessible login link publicly visible. I get a ton of use out of it!
Nick Diego focuses on how to utilize the object oriented programming approach to solving the problem of taxonomy relationships by implementing what I believe is the essence of modern WordPress coding standards.
[ Related Reading: Essential Desktop Productivity Software ] One nice thing about migrating to a new Operating System is that you’ll probably have to install / reinstall software. How in the name of anything is that nice you ask? Well it forces you to remember what tools you truly use. I have a ton of…
Know what you need? Other than a million doll hairs. You need to check out the web site . Super useful resource for linux users which let’s you enter commands just like you would in BASH and it processes it for you. Instead of executing the commands, it explains to you in detail– based…
I stumbled upon a nice website. I’ve been doing a lot of research in Responsive Design, so I’ve seen a lot of websites using the effects you’ll see here. But, I think this site executes it really well. Check it out! It’s Opera’s landing page for their new “Gaming” browser, Opera GX.
Finding myself annoyed at an RSS feed which was being rendered with the incorrect character encoding, I searched for the proper way to correct the output. I’m sure there are other ways to do it, but the following worked for me. Using MagpieRSS, i’ve fetched the RSS feed and prepared it for output using a…
If you have been using StartPage as your primary, private/ privacy search engine, then you may have noticed the Instant Answers feature as you’ve been searching but might not have even realized it. Not unlike what Google offers, StartPage Instant Answers is available on their privacy promoting platform. Check out this summary of StartPage Instant…
Are you looking for a way to record your desktop activity to share for the purpose of collaboration, authoring a tutorial, or to seek technical support? Maybe you just want to keep a record of the steps required to accomplish a certain task in a particular software app. In any case, I found a nice,…
Shared here are 10 questions which were presented to me as part of a pre-interview evaluation. These questions might you might help you to refresh your memory, should you be active in your own search for employment.
Having issues with https://localhost/myWordPressSite ? If your site is redirecting to https:// on localhost, and you’re having difficulty with :443 your localhost SSL configuration, check out the advise in the answer here. When accessing a site on localhost, it may redirect to https:// or your software, such as WordPress, may complain that your site is…
This is just a place where I keep notes. So I have a reference. The notes are the same regardless of my location.
add-on Apache ASCII Attitude author Browser Command Line CSS custom design desktop Development Concepts Entertainment Graphic Design HTML IDE Related IIS Internet Explorer JavaScript Library.Images Linux match Mozilla MySQL Opera Web Browser PHP Productivity Recommended regex regular expressions replace Resources and Reference Rules-of-Thumb Search Engines Security Software sql SQL & Query Scripting Taxonomy.None Technique & Method Unicode Web Development Windows Windows Stuff wordpress