Does this Framework "work"? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS

i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of … Read more

Does this Framework “work”? – modular PHP = dynamic CSS

i’ve been using something lately which i like: in keeping w/ my experimentation with the most simple bits of code possible, i’ve been setting up my webs (and converting old projects) with all included components– much like one would see in a WordPress Dashboard, perhaps. so, i’ve basically got 4 pieces; four Modular chunks of … Read more

Linux Users: Bluefish – the Web Design IDE with FTP Project Management

After a fair amount of frustration, and many forum inquiries unsatisfied, i finally stumbled upon a realization which has greatly boosted my web design / web development productivity while working in Fedora Core 5. As a fairly recent Windows XPatriot, i had yet to find my favorite setup for web development– but now that I … Read more

How does the other half live?

Adobe Flash Icon

I’m not one who typically cares anything about whether Macromedia Flash is or is not used in a web site. As someone who desires a comprehensive know-how, and wherewithal in terms of internet and web design and development technology, i’m not proud to say that I don’t know the details about what’s coming out of … Read more

the Doepud Show : Code they Say is Made in U.K.

I opened my inbox to the pleasant surprise of the arrival of my August ’06 edition of the Doepd web design (Glasgow, U.K.) mailing list. I stumbled upon Doepud several months ago to find what i believe to be, of all of the web sites that i recall throughout my research– research in web design, … Read more

Install Internet Explorer on Linux: real iE run under WINE emulator

It’s no secret that IE is the worlds most popular browser– to argue it would be to argue that the sky is more of an off-bluish-green… it’s just not blue, and that’s just foolish! the point is– some people need to use MSIE, and oftentimes a specific version of Internet Explorer, such as ie5.5– still … Read more

Attn: Web Designers! Have you tried Opera Lately?

I have as much of an affinity as the next guy for Firefox and the numerous, excellent extensions available for the Mozilla Gecko based browser. I’ve been using the Web Developer toolbar, among the other Web Design enhancing Firefox addons since i’ve been coding for accessibility, and validating my code at the W3C. The two … Read more